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1、vexperiencelimit airplane vhoweverdevelop increasinglyvpopularleisure pastimevdivide various in terms of vlengthnecessary trainingvcosttechnical hi-techvequipment knowledge requirevballooning balloon flight vit is/was not until Britain vBritish unusual usualvcountryside disappear appear vrise sunris

2、e sunsetvafford possible producer vproduce developervprovide instruction on hourly basisvhang gliding glide realizevstep off since relativelyvrelative inexpensive expensivevinvolve face coursevhilltop land take offvaccurately accurate bottomvfive-day course normally reach vstandard should wearvwater

3、proof airproof bulletproofvclothingspecial protectvoncecomplete joinvcommongallonbottledvplasticcontain pure spring watervforeign foreignermineral minevEurope European Eurovsoft drinkvbe interested inUnited States USvUnited Nation/UN taste tasty deliciousvhealth valuelistcontentvcompany addtermvmisl

4、eadingexcept purify air-purifiervpure underground choice vtap water tap doubt safetyv safe supply close attentionvcleanliness government responsiblevresponsibility quality regularlyvcompare pollution pollutevmillion 5miljEn百万 millionaire miljE5nZEvbillion 5biljEn n. billionaire biljE5nZEvdie v.死 dea

5、d a. death n. vlack v. n. 缺乏 lack of vweak a. 虚弱 weakness 弱点vstrong a. 强壮, 强大, 浓的 vstrength streNW n. 力量, 力, 优点vdisease di5zi:z n. 疾病 illnessvcause n. v.(引起sth发生)原因vblame vt.责备, 谴责 for/who should be blamed for his death?vreason n.理由, 原因vfalse fC:ls adj.错误的, 假的 truevmore than 比sth 多; 不仅vquantity 5kwC

6、ntiti n. 量vthrow WrEu v. 扔, 抛 threw Wru: thrown WrEunvrapidly 迅速地, 快速地 rapidvproduction 生产 produce, producervpopulation 7pCpju5leiFEn n. 人口, 数量 vwealthy 5welWi a. 富裕的 vwealth 5welW n. 财富vIt is sad to know that millions of people die every year because they do not have enough food.vLack of food make

7、people weak.vWho should be blamed for this situation?vAlthough the worlds population has grown rapidly, food production has grown faster than the population.v缺钱使人具有依赖性.v孩子能使父母幸福.v超女节目使张靓颖家喻户晓.v印度的人口增长比中国快.v单亲家庭的孩子比其他的孩子承受更多的社会压力.vLack of money make people dependant.vChildren make parents happy.v“Sup

8、er Girl” makes Zhang Liangying famous.vIndians population grows faster than Chinas.vChildren from single parent family have more social pressure than other children. vphilosopher fi5lCsEfE n.哲学家 v philosophy fi5lCsEfi n. 哲学vimportant a.重要的 importance n. 重要性vbelieve v. 相信, 认为, 想vcharacter 5kAriktE n.

9、 角色,人物vcreate kri5eit v.创造, 引起,创作vcreative kri(:)5eitiv a. 创造性的, 创造力的vcreativity 9kri:eItIvEtI n. 创造性vsummarize 5sQmEraiz v. 总结,概述 vsummary 5sQmEri n. 总结vshort saying 谚语vfamous 5feimEs a. 有名的,出名的vwise a. 明智的, 聪明unwisevessay 5esei n. 小品文, 短文vdanger 5deindVE n.危险, 危险物, 威胁vlazy 5leizi a. 懒惰的, 懒散的vlazin

10、ess 5leizinis n.怠惰, 无精打采vambitiousness Am5biFEsnis n. 抱负vambitious Am5biFEs adj.有雄心的, 野心勃勃的vaccomplish E5kCmpliF v. vt.完成, 达到, 实现vexpect iks5pekt v. 期待, 预期vgain ein v. n. 财富的获取, 收获V. 得到vThe philosopher and writer was one of the most important men in the early days of the United State.v“Poor Richard”

11、, a character Franklin created, summarized Franklins ideas in short sayings.vPeople who spend all their time just hoping will die without food.vOne day is worth two tomorrow.v在改革开放前, 工人阶级是最受人尊敬的人之一.v哈里. 波特, 一个罗林夫人创造的角色, 深受全世界的儿童以及成人的喜爱.v那些把全部时间花在消费上的人将会身无分文地死去.v北京的一个两居室值洛阳的两个三居室.vBefore open and ref

12、orm, the working class is one of the most respected people.vHarry Porter, a character created by Mrs. Rowlling, is loved by children and adults worldwide.vThese people who spend all their money consuming will die without money.vA two-bedroom flat in Beijing is worth two three-bedroom apartments in L

13、uoyang.vemployment im5plCimEnt n.雇用, 利用, 工作vemployer im5plCiE n.雇主, 老板vretire ri5taiE n.退休vdirector dai5rektE n.主任, 主管, 导演, 董事veasygoing 5i:ziEuiN a. 随和的vpersonality 7pE:sE5nAliti n.个性, 人格, 人物vhandle 5hAndl n.柄, 把手 vt. 处理, 操作vkidding kidiN n. 开玩笑vnervous 5nE:vEs adj.神经紧张的, 不安的vconsider kEn5sidE vt.考

14、虑, 照顾, 认为vchallenge 5tFAlindV n.挑战 vt.向.挑战vTennis 5tenis n.网球运动 table tennisvimagine i5mAdVin vt.想象, 设想 vfinance fai5nAns n. 金融, 财政学 vt.供给.经费, 负担经费vpressure preFE(r)n.压, 压力, 电压vimpression im5preFEn n.印象, 感想, 盖印, 压痕vunedible Qn5edibladj.不适于食用的, 不能吃的vundercooked 5QndEkukt adj.煮得欠熟的vplate pleit n.盘子, 金

15、属板vKeep your finger crossed.vWhoever they choose is fine as long as its not me.vI mean, what kind of person does it take?vYou got to be kidding.vI consider teaching tennis a challenge.vI cant imagine myself managing a staff and worrying about finances.vThats not the impression I have of you at all.v

16、Its just that Im too tired to do much talking after all that walking around town.vThere is no problem talking with Howard.vcollect n. 领取、收集 collectionvsituation n. 情况、状况 situatevsorrowfully adv. 悲哀地,忧愁地 sorrow sorrowful vassistant n. 助手、助理 assistvsuspiciously adv. 怀疑地,猜疑地 suspicious , suspect vdifferent from 与不同 difference, differvexamine v. 检查 examination, examiner, examineevnodding n. 点头 nod, shakevofficial n. 官员 office, officervpsychologist n. 心理学家 psychologyvagree v. 同意、赞同 agreementvcompete


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