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1、【篇一:会计人员英文求职信】Gentlemen,MrJohnLPak been told by MrJohn L.PakzCredit Manager, The Business Book PubIishingzNew York, with whom I believe you are acquaintedzthat you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June.I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these posit

2、ions.You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that I have had five years of varied experience in the book business.The companies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work I did while in their employ.My

3、 work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both CompanieszWith some experience also in inventory control. In both positionszI have been assigned with the daily office administration.The courses taken at Central Commercial and the Bronx Community College specifically prepa

4、re me for doing the accounting required in your department.I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.If there is further information that you wish in the meantime,please let me know.I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.Very truly

5、 yours.【篇二:应聘会计英文求职信】Dear Ms. Brown,Finance, Inc. was listed on Cleveland University s career webpage for summer internships. I believe that Finance, Inc s summer internship is an ideal opportunity for students.As a junior at Cleveland University, I am learning about the technical side of accounting

6、 through a rigorous accounting course load. In addition, I am learning to be a team player and to communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. For example, in my marketing class, I did a group presentation on Starbucks. We had one week to evaluate Starbucks financial position, futur

7、e opportunities, and recommend a strategy for Starbucks to compete well against Caribou Coffee. Working with group members that have conflicting opinions was quite challenging, exciting, and ultimately rewarding for me. Likewise, projects that I have completed at Creative Solutions Inc.z and the Cle

8、veland Municipal Water District further enhanced my accounting skills as well as offered insights into different aspects of the business world. My responsibilities included bookkeeping for thousands of dollars. At Finance, Inc.z I would also like to make a contribution by using my outstanding analyt

9、ical skills and be challenged to work to my potential by working with diverse clientele. In addition, I look forward to understanding more about Finance, Inc s role in business.I respect Finance, Incs excellence in quality and support and believe that I can meet these standards as a summer intern. I

10、 want to be challenged and learn firsthand about business. I am looking forward to further discussing the challenges and rewards of working for Finance, Inc.Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,【篇三:会计英文求职信范文】dear sir or madam:do you have any work in your accounting department for a part time e

11、mployee? miss wang, of the university placement office, has suggested that i write to you, since i would like to work for your company after i finish my courses at the university, i ve heard so much about your company, and i believe it offers a good chance to a man interested in construction work an

12、d trained in business.im enclosing a resume that gives details of my life so far. my father died when i was twelve years old, and i ve been on my own since fourteen, i m finishing college plenty late but i ve had some experience along the way, with four years in the military.i could work every after

13、noon and all day Saturday, professor he at the university can tell you about my work in accounting, he is chairman of the accounting department and my adviser.please look over the attached resume, i can come for an interview, if you wish, my telephone number (home) is -.sincerely yours,求职面试的注意事项:求职面

14、试的注意事项面试是公司挑选职工的一种重要方法。面试给公司和应招者提供了进行双向 交流的机会,能使公司和应招者之间相互了解,从而双方都可更准确做出聘用与 否、受聘与否的决定。下文是求职面试的注意事项,希望可以帮助到大家!(1)不要低估自己的能力面试时要避免说这样的话:“我只有六个月的工作经验”;“虽然我没接触 过此类工作,蛤我可以边做边学。”可以谈谈你大学时的专业成绩或从事过的实 习经历,哪怕这些工作经历并不令你骄傲。(2)不要过于自信自信在很多情况下是优点,但如果你的应聘条件确实不足以令人信服,你最 好不要在面试的时候对自己的能力渲染太多。一旦考官觉得你所说的和你短暂出 入太大,会认为你不诚实

15、。另外,如果你申请的是一个基层职位,也不宜表现你的自信。用人更希望基 层工作人员能够顺从地听从上级调遣。反之,如果你应聘一个管理层的职位,表 现你的自信便尤为重要。(3)适时入座在主考官没有请你坐下来时,切忌急于坐下,否则会被视为傲慢无礼。主考 官让你坐下时,应表示谢意,在主考官指定的位置上坐下,保持良好的坐姿。忌 与主考官坐得太近、太远或坐得太高。如任你自选,就挑一个直背结实的椅子。 不要坐吱吱作响的椅子,它将使你无法保持警觉,对姿态也无益。即使你风度翩 翩,坐在这样的椅子上,也无任何风度可言。设法不要比主考官的位置低,因为 它无益于交流并会削弱你的自信。(4)关掉手机你需要确保在面试期间不

16、会有任何打扰你的声音出现这当然就是你的手机 要静音或者是关机了。(5)不要指望每个问题都能回答完美在面试官的狂轰滥炸下,总会遇到自己不熟悉或者根本就没有听说过的问 题,每个人都不是全才,面试官也不要求我们无所不知,这既不必要,也不可能。遇到这种情况,首先不要把自己弄得特别紧张,不必为息的“无知”而烦 恼,事情没有那么严重。其实,一定不要不懂装懂,牵强附会,与其答得驴唇不对马嘴,还不如坦白 承认自己不知道。最后,不能回避问题,默不作声,这样会使面试官有一种被轻 视的感觉,因为回答面试官的问题是每个应试者必须要做到的,这是起码的礼 貌,应该明确告诉面试官你的看法。(6)勇于打破沉默面试时经常会遇到一些尴尬的沉默。有时是因为面试官等待你做下一步陈 述,而你认为自己已经回答完毕;有时是面试官陷入了某种思考,而中断了对你 的提问;有时也是因为面试官的准备不足,还没有想出对你的下一步提问。不论是那种状况,陷入沉默都不是一个好的现象。如果你


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