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1、环境污染物与食品安全环境污染物与食品安全2What is environmental pollutanto Adverse effects of the decline in the quality of human beings and other living beings caused by human activitiesBiological factorChemistry factorPhysical factor Gas WaterSoil34Features of pollutant n Great varietyn Low concentrationn Great harmn

2、Last long 5Pollutant and food safetyo A vital factor which impact on food safetyo Gas pollutantnHarmful gas SO2、CO、 hydrocarbons nParticulate matterdust、 acid mist 、 haze o Water pollutantnInorganic toxicheavy metal、 cyanide nOrganic toxicphenol、 pesticides nPathogenvirus、 parasiteo Soil pollutant6G

3、as Pollutant and food safetyn Source Fuel consumption, industrial production and transportation7Acid raino Definition: acid precipitation , pH5.65。o Source:SO2和 NOX Sulfuric acid, nitric acido HarmnDanger to plants and animalsnPoor harvestnBad quality of water 8Dioxinso Source Burning of organic che

4、micals and garbage which containing Clo HarmnHighly toxic 、 carcinogenicnDifficult to degrade, half life in body is 7 years.93,4 benzopyreneo Source Burning of Coal, gasoline, cigaretteo Harm Carcinogenic, mutagenic10Water Pollutant and food safetyo Definition Pollutants go into rivers, lakes, ocean

5、s, change the biological properties or communities, thereby reducing the water use value.o SourceIndustrial waste :77%Domestic waste :23%11Phenolic pollutantso SourceManufacturing of gas, coke, plastics, chemical fibero Property Make the protein coagulation Toxic effect to all living things12Phenoli

6、c pollutants13o Harm Harm to Fish ,microorganisms, cropso 0.10 .2 mg/L, fish can not be eato 6.59.3 mg/L, damage fish gills and pharynx, lead to abdominal bleedingo Higher than 100 mg/L, causing crops withered o Vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dizziness14Cyanide pollutantso Source Industrial s

7、ewage , electroplating, coking, gas, metallurgy, petrochemical o HarmnHighly toxicnInhibition of enzyme activitynInhibit the biological respiration nCentral nervous system suppression15Soil Pollutant and food safetyo Definition Harmful substances produced by human activities into the soil, when its

8、content exceeds the soil itself self-purification capacity, soil composition and the nature change, reducing the quality of crop yields, and endanger human health.16o SourceIndustrial waste, chemical pesticides, biological pathogens17Main Pollutantso Phenolic pollutants and Cyanide pollutantso Heavy

9、 Metal mercury, arsenic, cadmium, chromiumo Sludge, waste18Heavy Metal Pollutants o PropertynFixed to the soil in the form of Hydroxides, sulfates, sulfides, carbonates or phosphatesnDifficult to migrate, continue to accumulate, show harm when to some extentnHigh Soil residual rate, 90%nDo not disap

10、pear, long half-life19o Mercuryn Source: Industrial waste, pesticides, waste batteriesn Toxicity Alkyl mercury divalent mercury elemental mercury 20o Harm nLow dosagethrough feces, urine, sweat, no harmnHigh dosage Acute poisoningnLong time intake Minamata disease Harm to nervous system and organs21

11、oLimits o Aquatic products 0.3mg/kg; Meat、egg、oil 0.05mg/kg Grain 0.02mg/kg Vegetable and fruit 0.01mg/kg22o Pbn Sourceo Pb compounds used in industrial and agriculturalo Pesticides, paints, pigmentso Food containers, pipes, equipment23n Harm o Acute poisoning Nausea, vomiting, constipation, headach

12、e, dizziness, pale skino Subacute poisoning Nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, abdominal cramps; enlargement of the livero Chronic poisoning Peripheral neuritis, anemia, Liver and kidney damage24oLimits Beans 0.1mg/kg Meat 0.5mg/kg Grain 0.4 mg/kg Vegetable and fruit 0.2mg/kg25o Cadmiumo SourceCadmium pollutantsFood containero Harm Accumulate in kidney and other organs Precipitation of calcium, osteoporosis Itai-itai disease Teratogenic, mutagenic 26oLimits Beans 0.1mg/kg Meat and fish 0.1mg/kg Grain 0.2 mg/kg Vegetable and egg 0.05mg/kg


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