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1、University Physics Chapter 1 Kinematics 运动学(质点运动学)运动学(质点运动学)kinematics 运动学运动学vector 矢量矢量scalar 标量标量mass point/particle 质点质点calculus 微积分微积分uniform 均匀的均匀的definition 定义定义atomic standard 原子标准原子标准frame of reference 参考系参考系coordinate systems 坐标系坐标系vacuum 真空真空function 函数函数meridian 子午线子午线axis / axes (pl.) (坐

2、标坐标)轴轴origin 坐标原点坐标原点dimension 维维mutually perpendicular 互相垂直互相垂直intersection 交点交点magnitude 大小大小unit 单位单位direction 方向方向1-1 参考系参考系 质点质点 Frame of Reference Particle1-2 位置矢量位置矢量 位移位移 Position Vector and Displacement1-3 速度速度 加速度加速度 Velocity and Acceleration1-4 两类运动学问题两类运动学问题 Two types of Problems1-6 运动描述

3、的相对性运动描述的相对性 Relative Motion1-5 圆周运动及其描述圆周运动及其描述 Circular Motion1. 理解描述质点运动物理量的定义及其矢量性、相理解描述质点运动物理量的定义及其矢量性、相对性和瞬时性;对性和瞬时性;2. 掌握运动方程的物理意义,会用微积分方法求解掌握运动方程的物理意义,会用微积分方法求解运动学两类问题;运动学两类问题;3. 掌握平面抛体运动和圆周运动的规律;掌握平面抛体运动和圆周运动的规律;4. 理解运动描述的相对性,会用速度合成定理和加理解运动描述的相对性,会用速度合成定理和加速度合成定理解题。速度合成定理解题。教教 学基本学基本 要要 求求重

4、要历史人物重要历史人物伽利略伽利略Galileo Galilei: 15641642意大利物理学家、意大利物理学家、数学家、天文学家,近代实数学家、天文学家,近代实验科学的创始人。验科学的创始人。主要贡献:主要贡献:发明了望远镜,维护、坚持和发展了哥白尼学说,发明了望远镜,维护、坚持和发展了哥白尼学说,发现木星的四个卫星;发现木星的四个卫星;摆的等时性、惯性定律、落体运动定律;摆的等时性、惯性定律、落体运动定律;运动的合成原理和独立性原理,相对性原理;运动的合成原理和独立性原理,相对性原理;方法:实验科学。方法:实验科学。1-1 Frame of Reference Particle(质点)质

5、点)1. Frame of Reference(参照系) When we discuss the position and the velocity(速度) of an object(物体), we must answer the questions: “position with respect to(相对于) what?” and “Velocity with respect to what?” If we choose different objects as the reference frames to describe(描述) the motion of a given body,

6、 the indications(结果) will be different. It is convenient to take the earths surface as our frame of reference in most cases in this course.( What cases?) Coordinate system(坐标系): fixed on the frame, relative to which position, velocity, acceleration(加速度) and orbit(轨道) of the object can be specified q

7、uantitatively(定量地). Cartesian Coordinate system(直角坐标系):oXZFigure 1-2Quantitatively:定量地定量地2. Particles(质点)(质点) Particle(质点) is an ideal model(模型), in some circumstances(情况、形势). We can treat a body as a particle, and concentrate on(集中) its translational motion(平动) and ignore(忽略) all the other motions.

8、质点:质点:有质量有质量无大小无大小无体积无体积3. Time(时刻)(时刻)and time interval(时间)时间)Time t is a given instant (时刻), and time interval(间隔)t is the difference of two given instants. We use the former to describe(描述) the state of the object, the latter to describe the process.(过程) 4.Units(单位单位)International System of Units

9、(SI)is used in Chinakg:千克千克 kilogrammlengthm:米米 meterLTimets:秒秒 secondmass5. Scalar and Vector(标量和矢量)(标量和矢量):Two types of physical quantities(量):Scalars: mass, length, speed(速率), temperature(温度).Vectors: velocity, acceleration, momentum(动量).Vector A( black) : its magnitude(大小) and direction(方向) may

10、be represented by a line OP directed from the initial point O to the terminal(终) point P and denoted(标记) byOPAPOAddition(加): The two vectorsA and B is added in followingway:C=A+B B ACABIn Cartesian coordinate system(直角坐标系)(直角坐标系): kAjAiAAzyxare unit vectors along ox, oy, oz.kandji,oxyzIn two dimensi

11、on(维)(维):jAiAAyxOXYxAyAxyAAtgjBAiBAABjCiCCyyxxyx)()(If jAiAAyxand jBiBByx, we have:xxxBACyyyBACObviously(显然):In one dimensionIn two dimensionIn three dimensionIn our teaching, we will mainly deal with(涉及) two dimensional motions: motion in a plane.Rectilinear motion(直线)Curvilinear motion(曲线)Circular

12、 motion(圆周)Mechanical motions(机械运动)(机械运动)Frame of reference: Coordinate system(坐标系)Body: a particlePhysical quantities: position, displacement, velocity, acceleration, energy, momentum,1-2 Position Vector and DisplacementP(x,y,z)zrYX1. Position VectorPosition vector is a vector that extents from the

13、 origin of the coordinate system to the particles position as shown in Figurer222zyxrr Magnitude:rxcosrzcosrycoskzj yi xr position vector 位置矢量displacement vector 位移矢量velocity 速度limit 极限average velocity 平均速度instantaneous velocity 瞬时速度segment 段,一段curved path 弯曲路径magnitude and direction大小和方向components

14、分量acceleration 加速度ratio 比值,比率derivative 导数tangent 相切、切线coefficient 系数differentiate v. 微分、求导In the two dimension:jtyitxtrr)()()(Its two components(分量)(分量))()(tyytxx)(xyy Path equation(轨迹方程)eliminating消去消去xyoPr)y,x(2. Displacement(位移位移):Displacement is introduced to describe the change in position dur

15、ing a given time interval:rxyoP1r1t2t2rr12rrrThat isjyixjyixr jyyixx)()( xyoP1r1t2t2rrIts magnitude(大小)212212)()(yyxxrThe geometrical(几何) meaning of and the differences among them. rrs ,rsNote:Example 1.1: A particle is located at at t1 and at at t2. Find the displacement in this time interval. jir7

16、51jir532Solution: rrr ji ji)()( 1-3 Velocity(速度)(速度) and Acceleration(加速度)(加速度) Average(平均) velocity: 1.Velocity1212ttrrtrVwhich has a direction as same as that of rAverage speed(速率):tsV所用的时间走过的路程xyoP1r1t2t2rrsxyoPrt2t2rrV(Instantaneous 瞬时) velocity at time t:trtrVtddlimt It is in the tangent(切线) of the path and points at the advance direction.Direction:xyoPrtVMagnitude(大小):Vtstrt ddlimtV V-speed(瞬时)速率时弧长等于弦长0tIn the coordinate system: trVddtyVtxVyxddddjtyitxr)()( jtyitxdddd jViVyx xyoPrtVxVyVMa


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