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1、三 语言最重要1.多变的用词2.谚语和典故3.修辞4.准确和地道5.复杂的句式 1.五大恶心词汇1.importantsignificant,necessary,essential,urgent2.veryof great importance,significantly important替换very的方法:将adj.的同义词 变为adv.即相当于very五大恶心词汇3.Differentvarious,a variety of,vary from person to personPeoples opinions are various.People have a variety of op

2、inions.Peoples opinions vary from person to person.4.Think5.thing 词汇的有效替换 上下义词的概念 同义词和反义词 代词上下义词studentpersonhuman beingpupilmiddle school studentundergraduate上下义词peoplerelativesteachersclassmatescolleaguesparentsbrotherssistersunclesauntssupervisorssubordinatesmaternal unclespaternal uncleselderly

3、paternal unclesyounger paternal uncles上下义词peoplerelativesteachersclassmatescolleaguesparentsbrotherssistersunclesauntssupervisorssubordinatesmaternal unclespaternal uncleselder paternal unclesyounger paternal uncles上下义词peoplerelativesunclespaternal unclesyounger paternal uncles主题句主题句分论点分论点支持分论点支持分论点

4、的细节的细节词汇的多样性词汇的多样性1.词汇量的概念2.简单词复杂化的方法3.词汇的替换方法a 词汇量的概念 拼写稍微复杂的单词,放弃初中词汇b.简单词复杂化的方法(1)of+n.=adj.b 简单词复杂化的方法(2)the poor,the beautiful,the oldb 简单词复杂化的方法(3)n.+and its like。和他的同类(作为从一个到多个的推广方法,议论文常用)表达陌生的词汇b 简单词复杂化的方法(4)so called+n.所谓的2 谚语和典故Just as an old Chinese proverb says,Just as an old English pro

5、verb says,Just as an old Arab proverb says,谚语和典故日常积累谚语是可以编的具体的问题抽象化,抽象的问题具体化(1)具体的问题抽象化 白猫黑猫,抓住耗子就是好猫 结果最重要 Ends justify means.(2)抽象的问题具体化:劳逸结合 要懂得休息和休闲 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.男大当婚,女大当嫁 结婚是正常的行为 Each Jack has his Jill.总结总结 不要直白的表达自己的目的;不要直白的表达自己的目的;Jack 和和Jill在谚语中经常出现在谚语中经常出现 否定常

6、出现否定常出现 练习:人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿的慌。练习:人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿的慌。No longer can Jack live without grain.3 修辞修辞 a busy bee the blue sky the black coffee a evil devil a pure angel deep ocean as busy as a bee as blue as sky as black as coffee as evil as a devil as pure as an angel as deep as ocean4 语言的准确和地道 少写多改 翻译新概念第二、三

7、册文章,与原文进行对照,找出自己的不足4 复杂的句式1.简单句变复杂的方法2.五大经典句型(1)简单句变复杂的方法1.形容词和副词2.同位语作插入语3.介词结构作修饰4.非限定性定语从句5.非谓语动词a 形容词和副词 蕾姐讲课。白白胖胖的,穿着超短裙的蕾姐激情四射地讲一节无比无聊的考研写作课。b 同位语作插入语 什么是同位语?位置相同的语言叫作“同位语”白白胖胖的,穿着超短裙的蕾姐,一个年龄未知的剩女,激情四射地讲一节无比无聊的考研写作课,比阅读还要无聊的课。所有名词后面可加同位语c 介词结构作修饰 在一个春光乍泄的清晨,在刚刚建好的贵阳新东方的教室里,白白胖胖的,穿着超短裙的蕾姐,一个年龄未

8、知的剩女,激情四射地讲一节无比无聊的考研写作课,比阅读还要无聊的课。d 非限定性定语从句 在一个春光乍泄的清晨,在刚刚建好的贵阳新东方的教室里,白白胖胖的,穿着超短裙的蕾姐,一个年龄未知的剩女,激情四射地讲一节无比无聊的考研写作课,比阅读还要无聊的课,which left us a deep impression.e 非谓语动词 我是一名教师。我讲课。我是一名教师。我讲课。I am a teacher.I give classes.I am a teacher.I give classes.I am a teacher and I give classes.I am a teacher and

9、 I give classes.Because I am a teacher,I give classes.Because I am a teacher,I give classes.I am a teacher,so I give classes.I am a teacher,so I give classes.Being a teacher,I give classes.Being a teacher,I give classes.I,being a teacher,give classes.I,being a teacher,give classes.am,(be)beinge 非谓语动

10、词 你自己不是鱼。你自己不是鱼。You are not a fish yourself.You are not a fish yourself.你怎么能知道鱼的欢乐呢?你怎么能知道鱼的欢乐呢?How can you know the happiness of a fishHow can you know the happiness of a fish?How can you,not being a fish yourself,How can you,not being a fish yourself,know the happiness of a fish?know the happiness

11、 of a fish?我们自己不是老年人,我们怎么能知道老年人我们自己不是老年人,我们怎么能知道老年人的痛苦呢?的痛苦呢?e 非谓语动词am am beingbeingwas was having beenhaving beendodoingdidhaving done(2)五大经典句型 倒装 虚拟语气 as引导的状语从句 状语从句的省略问题 rather than vs other thana 倒装介词地点状语提前,后接系表倒装In the sunshine,stands a young tree.(注意主谓一致)否定副词提前,部分倒装。Hardly can I do it.虚拟语气的省略倒

12、装(略)b 虚拟语气1.It is high time that 主语did/should do(是做某件事情非常紧急和迫切的时刻了。)问题如此严重,我们必须马上解决这个问题。The situation being so serious,it is high time that we took effective measures to b 虚拟语气2.It is important/necessary/urgent+that+(should)+do 我们必须制订(work out)一些法律法规(laws and regulations)来解决这个问题。It is imperative tha

13、t laws and regulations should be worked out to b 虚拟语气3.条件从句引导的虚拟语气c as引导的状语从句 让步状语从句:Although she is a girl,she sings like a man.Girl as she is,she sings like a man.尽管漫画很简单,但是其寓意却非常深刻。Simple as the picture is,the meaning behind it is as deep as ocean.d 状语从句的省略问题 When in Rome,do as Romans do.When in

14、Rome,you do as Romans do.(祈使句的省略)When you are(状语从句的省略)in Rome,you do as Romans do.规略:当从句和主句的主语相同,而从句中的动词为系动词的时候,从句中的主语和系动词可以被省略 d 状语从句的省略问题 6岁的时候,我老爸开始给我讲英文。When at the age of 6,my father began to teach me English.怎么改?When I was at age of 6,my father began to teach me English.When at the age of 6,I

15、was taught English by my father.e rather than vs other than rather than:而不是(万能插入语)I am the best teacher.I,rather than anyone else,am,the best teacher,rather than the worst one.e other than:除了 I,other than anyone else,am the best teacher.No one,other than I,is the best teacher.中国正在面临非常严重的。问题。文章的连贯性问题

16、并列 as well as,andas well,not only but also转折转折副词(不能连接两个句子):however,instead,unfortunately,fortunately,in fact,on the contrary转折连词:while,but文章的连贯性问题 递进连词 first,second,third To begin with,Besides,Last but not least On one hand,on the other,In addition文章的连贯性问题因果关系副词:consequently,hence,thus,consequently,therefore,thereby,as a consequence介词:owing to,thanks to,due to,连词:so,and consequently文章的连贯性问题万能关联词in other word,that is to say,as a matter of fact


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