4、chisauthorisedandregulatedbytheFinanCiaICOndUCtAuthority.RECORDBREAKINGDEALACTIVITYINGAMINGANDESPORTS!$71BDisclosed value for announcedand/or closed deals844Deals announced and/orclosedYTD Deal Value ($B)YTD Deal Count2021 YTD Highlights First 9 months of 2021 already exceeded twice the dollar amoun
5、t for full year 2020 Unprecedented consolidation across mobile/PC/console driven by major strategics (Embracer, Tencent, EPIC, Stillfront, Take-Two, Zynga, EA, Sony, ByteDance, Facebook, Netmarble1 Unity) as well as PE firms (Carlyle, Bain1 Diversis) Mammoth $9B raised by private companies in 493 de
6、als from VCs and strategics With 2 of the largest raises in gaming, red-hot blockchain/NFT gaming segment attracted $1.8B in private financings 2021 is a year of high-profile IPOs, direct listings and SPACs: Roblox, Krafton1 Unity, AppLovin, Playtika1 Huuuge, Playstudios, Nexters, TinyBuiId, Nazara,
7、 Cherry Group M&A PP - IPOSource: CapIO. Pitchbook & DSP ResearchQ3 Summary Further acceleration of private financings: Record $4B raised in over 117 deals with significant increase in average check size (JamCity1 Voodoo, Tilting Point) NFT / blockchain gaming companies raised over $1B at incredible
8、 valuations: Sorare raised $680M at $4.3B and Dapper Labs raised $250M at $7.6B Continued strong M&A activity: $9B in transaction value through 61 announced and/or closed deals, including SpinX / Netmarble, Pico / ByteDance, Sumo / Tencent, Reworks / Playtika1 Starlark / Zynga5 Playsimple / MTG, Par
9、sec / Unity. Netflix made its first gaming acquisition (Night School). Top IPO and SPAC deals: Krafton completed its IPO raising record $3.7B, Nexters completed its SPAC and Doubledown went public on Nasdaq through IPO. Public gaming companies faced headwinds and Q3 had limited new announced IPO and
10、 SPACs.DRAKE STARGAMINGKEYHEADLINES:Q32021M&A NetmarbleacquiresSpinX1mobilecasinogamesdevelooper,for$2.2B ByteDancetoacquirePicoInteractive,VRheadsetmanufactuereriforanest.$1.5B Tencentpaida43%premiumtoacquireSumoGroupfor$1.27B Playtikaacquired80%ofReworksfor$400M,final20%tobeacquirednextyear(forupt
11、o$200M) ZyngaacquiredStarlark,famousformobilegolfgameGolfRival,for$525Mincashandstock UnityacquiredParsec,acloudstreamingplatform,for$320M Netflixacquiresitsfirstgamestudio,OxenfreecreatorNightSchoolStudioFundraising Sorareraised$680Mata$4.3Bvaluation.EuropeslargesteverSeriesB,inaroundledbySoftbank
12、JamCityraised$350M,usingroughlyhalfthefundstoacquireCanadianstudio,Ludia,for$165M DapperLabsraised$250Mata$7.6BvaluationinaroundledbyCoatueManagement Voodooannouncesa$315Mraise,ata$1.9Bvaluation,fromGroupeBruxellesLambert ProbabIyMonstersraised$200M,whichwilladvancethecompanytowardnew,originalIPs Fo
13、llowingsuccessofrecentgameSplitgate,1047Gamesraised$1OOMata$1.5BvaluationPublicMarkets&SPACNews Kraftonraised$3.8BthroughIPOontheKoreanStockExchange,valuingthecompanyat$38B+ Nextersstartedtradingvia$250MSPAC,ata$1.9Bvaluation MediaandGamesInvestraised$93.9MOfdebttofurtherexecutionofM&Apipeline DoubI
14、eDownInteractiveraised$113.7MthroughIPOonNASDAQ,valuingthecompanyat$892M etmrble Iencent ,Playtikcih ByteDance 用 Zynga R0BLDXunitySTILLFRONT NETFLIX; so rare 栓v 。 IMMUTABLETIENGpOIMT DapperMoHST genvidVbodoo Cifl 10H1 嚼晔a 1KRAFTON niters 的!5*潸3ORAKKSTARGAMINGM&ATRANSACTIONS&VALUATIONS228DEALSANNOUNC
15、ED/CLOSEDAND$32BINDISCLOSEDDEALACTIVITYYTD2021# of DealsDeal Value ($B)by Segment YTDby Segment YTDM&A Deal Valuation / Multiples PCConsole Mobile - Platform HardwareZTooIs EsportsM&A Deal Valuation / Multiples LTMAll Segments# of announced and/or closed Deals / Disclosed Deals279/123Disclosed Deal Value ($B)$36.1Revenue Multiple (Median)Total Value (51 deals with reported ReVenUe)4