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1、2024/5/511-1、人因工程的英文字表示 Ergonomics、Human Factors1-2、人因工程的定義 就是探討和應用人類行為、能力、本能極限 和其他的特性等相關資訊來設計器具、機器、設備、系統、任務、工作及其相關所屬的周遭 環 境,以 增 加 生 產 力(效 力)和 效 率 (functional effectiveness/efficiency)、安全性、舒適感,進而提昇人類的生活品質 (h u m a n w e l f a r e)。2024/5/521-3、人因工程追求的主要目標 (I)To enhance the safety.(II)To enhance the

2、effectiveness and efficiency of an activity/work.(III)To enhance certain desirable human values(welfare).1-4、人因工程的研討途徑 (I)is the systematic application of relevant information about human capabilities,limitations,characteristics,behavior,and motivation to the design of things and procedures people u

3、se and t h e e n v i ro n m e n t s i n w h i c h t h e y u s e t h e m.2024/5/53Continues (II)the evaluation of the things we design to ensure that they satisfy their intended objectives.2-1、人因工程實務上應注意之事項 (I)is not just applying checklists and guidelines.(II)is not using oneself as the model for de

4、signing things.(III)is not just common sense.2024/5/542-2、人因工程、人因工程的發展歷史的發展歷史 (I)Early History.(II)1945 to 1960.3-1、(III)1960 to 1980:A Period of Rapid Growth.(IV)1980 to 1990:Computers-Disasters.4-1、(V)1990s and beyond.5-1、人因工程的專業、人因工程的專業(based on the USA.)5-2、人機系統的概念、人機系統的概念(Human-Machine Systems)

5、2024/5/556-1、人機系統的分類人機系統的分類 (I)Manual Systems:(II)Mechanical Systems:(III)Automated Systems:6-2、人機系統的人機系統的 特徵特徵 (I)Systems are purposive:(II)Systems can be hierarchical:(III)Systems operate in an environment:(IV)Components serve Functions:2024/5/56Continues (V)Components Interact:(VI)Systems,Subsyst

6、ems,and Components have Inputs and Outputs:7-1、人機系統的可靠度、人機系統的可靠度 (I)串聯式構件組合串聯式構件組合.(II)並聯式構件組合並聯式構件組合.(III)混合式構件組合混合式構件組合.2024/5/571-11-1、IntroductionIntroduction(I)Ergonomics is an empirical science.(II)The central approach of human factors is the application of relevant information about human cap

7、abilities and behavior to the design of objects,facilities,procedures,and environments that people use.(III)The relevant information is largely based on experimentation and observation.1-2、人因工程的研究方法:三大類(I)Descriptive Studies.(II)Experimental Research.(III)Evaluation Research.2024/5/582-12-1、人因工程、人因工

8、程研究的情境選擇研究的情境選擇 (I)Descriptive Studies (II)Experimental Research (III)Evaluation Research 2-22-2、人因工程、人因工程的變數的變數(項項)選擇選擇(I)Descriptive Studies i、Criterion Variables:includes four classes.ii、Stratification Variables 3-1 (II)Experimental Research (III)Evaluation Research 3-23-2、人因工程研究受試者之選擇、人因工程研究受試者之

9、選擇(I)Descriptive Studies (II)Experimental Research (III)Evaluation Research 2024/5/594-1、人因工程、人因工程的資料分析方法的資料分析方法(I)Statistics:i、Standard Deviation.ii、Correlation Coefficient(r)iii、Percentiles(%ile)(II)Statistical Methods:4-2、人因工程研究、人因工程研究的效標量度的效標量度 (I)Three types of Criterion:I、System Descriptive Cr

10、iteria.ii、Task Performance Criteria iii、Human Criteria 2024/5/510Continues5-1、(II)Requirements for Research Criteria:i、Practical Requirements.ii、Psychometric Requirements.5-2、(III)Human Reliability.2024/5/511新埔技術學院工業工程與管理系 三勤 人因工程 2024/5/5121-11-1、(I)Core Temperature&Skin Temperature (II)Celsius v.s

11、.Fahrenheit 2-1、Way of Heat Exchange(I)Four ways of heat exchange between body and the environment:i、傳導、傳導(Conduction)ii、對流對流(Convection)iii、輻射、輻射(Radiation)iv、蒸發蒸發(Evaporation)2-2、(II)Heat Exchange Formula S=(M-W)R C E2024/5/5132-3、(III)Environmental Factors influencing Heat Exchange Process.3-1、Ef

12、fect of Clothing on Heat Exchange (I)Clo:the Unit of measure for the insulating properties of clothing.n (II)Clo total=0.8cloi +0.8 i=1 (III)Permeability:2024/5/5143-2、Measurement of Thermal Conditions (I)Types of Temperature/Climate Factors Measurment a a、乾球溫度或空氣溫度乾球溫度或空氣溫度 b b、濕球溫度濕球溫度 c c、黑球溫度黑球溫

13、度 d d、相對溼度相對溼度 4-1 4-1 e e、風速風速 4-2 4-2、熱環境指數熱環境指數 (I)Effective Temperature(ET):2024/5/5155-15-1、Wet-bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT):6-16-1、Thermal Comfort and Sensations :(I)Reasons resulting in differences in Thermal Comfort:(II)Effect of Draught on Thermal Comfort:7-17-1、(III)Effect of Low Humidity

14、 on Thermal Comfort 7-2、Heat Stress :(I)Physiological Effects of Heat Stress:2024/5/5168-1、(II)Individual Differences and Heat Stress.(III)Adaptability to Heat Stress.(IV)Indices of Heat Stress.9-1、Effect of Heat Stress on Performance:(I)Physical Work.(II)Simple Cognitive and Perceptual-Motor Perfor

15、mance.(III)Complex Cognitive and Perceptual-Motor Performance.(IV)Recommended Heat Exposure Limits:2024/5/51710-1、(V)Recommendations for reducing Heat Stress:11-1、Cold Stress :(I)Preface.(II)Physiological Effects of Cold Stress.i、Hypothermia ii、The Q10 Effect in Reverse12-1 iii、Dive Reflex12-2、Cold

16、Stress Index(CSI):13-1、Effects of Cold Stress on Performance :(I)Physical Work2024/5/51813-2、(II)Tactile Sensitivity and Manual Performance (III)Tracking Performance14-1 (IV)Reaction Time and Mental Activities14-2、Protection from Cold Stress :(I)Proper Clothing (II)Use of Gloves (III)Use of Auxiliary Heaters (IV)Use of Re-warming Facilities =End=


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