人教版高中英语课件:Unit 4 Wildlife Protection .ppt

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1、Unit 4Teaching aims in the class:Reading and understanding.Master the use of the following words and expressions:affect contain appreciate certain long to do sth.respond to in relief burst into laughter without mercy protect from pay attention to nono Questions for the first paragraph:Why has the an

2、telope in Tibet become an endangered species?Key points in the first paragraph:Long to do sth.Respond to endanger1.long to do sth.渴望。渴望。long for sth./doing sth.long for sb.to do sth.渴望某人做某事渴望某人做某事 long vi.渴望渴望,热望热望,极想极想We are longing to see you.People are longing for peace.The children are longing f

3、or the holidays.The lonely child is longing for the caress of his motherI am really longing for him to say something tender to me.渴望渴望 die to do sth./die for ache to do sth./ache for desire to do sth.desire for be eager be anxious be hungry be thirstyto do sth.for sth.2.Respond to 回答回答,做出反应做出反应 make

4、(no)response to In response(to)答复答复,作为回应作为回应,响应响应She didnt respond to my letter.She made no response to my letter.She kept silent in response to my request.He responded to my suggestion with a laugh.3.endanger 使出于危险中,危及使出于危险中,危及.e.g.Smoking endangers health.in danger 处于危险之中处于危险之中 e.g.The patient is

5、in danger.be in danger of 有有 危险危险 be out of danger 脱离危险脱离危险endangered adj.濒危的濒危的 dangerous adj。危险的危险的Questions for the second paragraph:1.Why are elephant numbers increasing in Zimbabwe?2.How does the government of Zimbabwe help wild animals?3.Why is it important to Protect the rainforest?Key points

6、 in the second paragraph:in relief appreciate burst into laughter certain without mercy protect from pay attention to nono affect contain4.relief n.(痛苦痛苦,焦虑的焦虑的)消除消除;轻松轻松,解脱解脱 in relief 轻松地轻松地,欣慰地欣慰地 to ones relief 令某人感到安慰令某人感到安慰/庆幸的是庆幸的是relieve vt.减轻减轻,缓解缓解,使摆脱使摆脱 relieve sb.of sth.Much to her reli

7、ef,the car was not damaged.Daisy left in relief.Being able to tell the truth at last seemed to relieve her.Let me relieve you of those parcels.5.burst into+n.突然突然起来起来burst out+doingburst into laughter/tears 突然大笑突然大笑/大哭起来大哭起来burst out laughing/crying英汉互译英汉互译:听到这个有趣的故事听到这个有趣的故事,我们捧腹大笑起来我们捧腹大笑起来.她如此害怕以

8、至于放声大哭起来她如此害怕以至于放声大哭起来.The pot burst into flames.The crowd burst into cheers.6.Mercy n.仁慈仁慈,怜悯怜悯,慈悲慈悲,Merciful adj.常用的短语有常用的短语有:have mercy on/show mercy to/be merciful to 同情某人同情某人,对某人发慈悲对某人发慈悲At the mercy of 任由任由摆布摆布,处于处于的控制下的控制下Beg sb.for mercy 乞求某人的宽恕乞求某人的宽恕Without mercy 毫不留情地毫不留情地 根据汉语意思完成句子:1.Th

9、e hunter shot the tiger_ .(毫不留情地)2.The were lost at the sea,_.(任凭风吹雨淋)3.The robber _(没有表现出丝毫慈悲之心),killing innocent men and women.without mercyat the mercy of wind and rainshowed no mercy 7.certain adj.确定的确定的,一定的一定的;某一某一,某个某个,常用的短语有常用的短语有:be certain/sure to do sth.肯定做肯定做.be certain/sure of/about对对确定无

10、疑确定无疑for certain/sure 肯定地肯定地,make sure/certain of/that 从句。弄清楚从句。弄清楚,确保确保.It is certain that(此句型中的此句型中的certain不能用不能用sure来替换来替换)A certain=some 某一某一汉译英:汉译英:1.我不能确定他是否会跟我们一起去。我不能确定他是否会跟我们一起去。2.去弄清楚火车甚么时候开。去弄清楚火车甚么时候开。3.I must have met this boy_ _ _ _.(在某个地方)在某个地方)4.He went there to_ _ _(弄清楚)弄清楚)the plac

11、e of the meeting.at a certain placemake sure of8.protect against 防御防御 protect from保护保护免受免受危害危害EgEg.He is wearing sunglasses to.He is wearing sunglasses to protectprotect his eyes his eyes _ the strong sunlight._ the strong sunlight.The knife can The knife can protectprotect you you _a lecher(a leche

12、r(色狼色狼).).keep sb.from doing sth.stop sb.(From)doing sth.阻止某人干某事阻止某人干某事 prevent sb.(from)doing sthfromagainst9.Pay attention to 注意注意(to是介词)是介词)atract/draw/catch ones attention 引起某人的注意引起某人的注意 devote ones attention to专心于专心于fix/focus/center/concenttrate ones attention on集中注意力于集中注意力于Fill in the followin

13、g blanks:1._ attention to whate you are doing.2.The accident _ their attention.3.You shoud_ your attention to your study.payattracteddevote10.No rain forest,no animals and no drugs.没有雨林就没有动物,也就没有药物。没有雨林就没有动物,也就没有药物。no no没有没有就不就不;不不便无便无;不不不不No fire,no smoke.No pains,no gains.No song,no supper.无火不冒烟。无

14、火不冒烟。/事出有因。事出有因。不劳无获。不劳无获。不唱歌,没晚饭。不唱歌,没晚饭。/不干活,没饭吃。不干活,没饭吃。/不劳动,不得食。不劳动,不得食。(There are)No animals and no drugs without rain forest.1.Im writing _your recent letter.A.in reponse to B.to response C.in response to D.resonded2.Your opinion did not_our decision.In fact,it seemed to have no _ at all.A.eff

15、ect effect B.effect affect C.affect effect D.affect affect3.Tibetan antelopes have fallen into a(n)_ animal because of heavy hunting.A.dangerous B.danger C.endangered D.in danger4.After all these years of a busy life I should like to go to the country and live_.A.at peace B.in peace C.with peace D.f

16、or peaceACCB5._ should be paid to our study,and only in this way can we good marks.A,Heart B.Mind C.Notice D.Attention6.He _his hands from the cold with gloves.A.saved B.guarded C prevented D.protected7.Many of the earths plants and animals already_and many other species are endangered.A died away B.died off C.died down D.died out8.The new law will come into _on the day it is passed.A.effect B use C.power D.beingDDDA9.His income has_6%,so he is happy.A increased to B.increased by C.decreased to


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