大班语言《I love my white shoes》PPT课件教案微课件.pptx

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《大班语言《I love my white shoes》PPT课件教案微课件.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大班语言《I love my white shoes》PPT课件教案微课件.pptx(18页珍藏版)》请在第壹文秘上搜索。

1、Pete the Cat was walking down the street in his brand-new white shoes.Pete loved his white shoes so much,he sang this song.皮特穿着两双崭新的大白鞋,屁颠屁颠地散大步,边遛达还边美滋滋地唱:“I love my white shoes.I love my white shoes.I love my white shoes.I love my white shoes.”我爱我的白鞋子,我爱我的白鞋子。我爱我的白鞋子,我爱我的白鞋子。Oh no!Pete stepped in

2、a large pile of strawberries.What color did it turn his shoes?突然,他一不小心踩上了一堆草莓,他的鞋子变成了什么颜色?Red!Did Pete cry?Goodness no!He kept walking alongand singing his song.红色!皮特哭了吗?他才不哭哪!他继续唱着自己的歌:Oh no!Pete stepped in a large pile of blueberries.What color did it turn his shoes?哦不!皮特又踩上了一堆蓝莓,他的鞋子变成了什么颜色?Blue!

3、Did Pete cry?Goodness no!He kept walking along and singing his song.鞋子变成了蓝色;皮特哭了吗?他才不哭呢!他继续一边走一边唱着他的歌:Oh no!Pete stepped in a large puddle of mud.What color did it turn his shoes?哦不!皮特又踩上了泥巴,鞋子变成了什么颜色?Brown!Did Pete cry?Goodness no!He kept walking along and singing his song.棕色!皮特哭了吗?他才不哭呢!他继续一边走一边唱着

4、他的歌:Oh no!Pete stepped in a bucket of water.And all the brown,and all the blue,and all the red were washed away.What color were his shoes again?最后,他踩进了一大盆水,棕色、蓝色、红色都被洗掉了,这一次鞋子变成了什么颜色?White!But now they were wet!Did Pete cry?Goodness no!He kept walking alongand singing his song.白色!但同时,鞋也变成了一双湿鞋子!皮特哭了吗?他才不哭呢!The moral of Petes story is:No matter what you step in,keep walking along and singing your song.这个故事的寓意是:无论你踩进了什么,都要继续向前走,继续唱着你的歌because its all good.但这一切都是好事啊!


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