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1、Electronic Commerce电子商务电子商务Lead-in activitieslHave you ever bought anything through the Internet? If you have, why do you decide to shop online? If you have not, what are the reasons for you not trying to do so?lShopping online now seems to be very trendy because of its speediness and convenience. Y

2、ou can shop at home without going outside. In spite of this, there are still some people who may get online quite frequently, even everyday, but never shop online.lPossible reasons for not doing so Dont trust websites & be afraid of being cheated. Be afraid of the qualities of the products. Be afrai

3、d that the good after-service can not be provided. Be unfamiliar with or dont know how to shop online. There are no products online that I want. Payment and delivery procedures are complicated and insecure. The goods are not plentiful enough.l What Is E-Commerce? 什么是电子商务?什么是电子商务?l Types of E-Commerc

4、e 电子商务的类型电子商务的类型l Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换电子数据交换l E-Learning 电子学习电子学习l Going Global with Internet Marketing利用因特网营销走向全球利用因特网营销走向全球Lecture OutlineWhat Is E-Commerce? E-Commerce refers to doing business through electronic media or the practice of buying and selling products and services

5、 over the Internet, utilizing technologies such as the Web, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), email, electronic fund transfers and smart cards, without face-to-face meeting between the two parties of the transaction. E-Commerce is expected to boom beyond limits in the near future, and it will play

6、a major role in the way that small, medium and large companies conduct business either with their consumers or other businesses. The boundaries between “conventional” and “electronic” commerce will become increasingly blurred as more and more businesses move sections of their operations onto the Int

7、ernet.l Advantages of E-Commerce over Store Retail Overcome Geographical Limitations:If you have a physical store, you are limited by the geographical area that you can serve. With an e-commerce website, the whole world is your playground. Additionally, the advent of M-commerce, e-commerce on mobile

8、 devices, has dissolved every remaining limitation of geography. Gain New Customers with Search Engine : Visibility Physical retail is driven by branding & relationships. In addition to these two drivers, online retail is also driven by traffic from search engines. It is not unusual for customers to

9、 follow a link in search engine results, and land up on an e-commerce website that they have never heard of. Lower Costs:One of the most tangible positives of e-commerce is the lowered cost. A part of these lowered costs could be passed on to customers in the form of discounted prices. The following

10、 are some of the ways that costs can be reduced with e-commerce: Lower CostsAdvertising & Marketing:Organic search engine traffic, pay-per-click, and social media traffic are some of the advertising channels that can be cost-effective. Lower CostsPersonnel:The automation of checkout, billing, paymen

11、ts, inventory management, and other operational processes, lowers the number of employees required to run an e-commerce setup. Lower CostsReal Estate:This one is a no-brainer. An e-commerce merchant does not need a prominent physical location. Locate the Product More Quickly: On an e-commerce websit

12、e, customers can click through intuitive navigation or use a search box to immediately narrow down their product search. Some websites remember customer preferences and shopping lists to facilitate repeat purchase. Eliminate Travel Time and Cost: It is not unusual for customers to travel long distan

13、ces to reach their preferred physical store. E-commerce allows them to visit the same store virtually, with a few mouse clicks. Provide Comparison Shopping:E-commerce facilitates comparison shopping. Several online services allow customers to browse multiple e-commerce merchants & find the best pric

14、es. Enable Bargains, Coupons, & Group Buying:Though there are physical equivalents to bargains, coupons, & group buying, online shopping makes it much more convenient. If a customer has a deep discount coupon for turkey at one physical store & toilet paper at another, she may find it infeasible to a

15、vail of both discounts. But the customer could do that online with a few mouse-clicks. Provide Abundant Information:E-commerce websites can make additional information easily available to customers. Most of this information is provided by vendors, and does not cost anything to create or maintain. Re

16、main Open All the Time:Store timings are now 24/7/365. E-commerce websites can run all the time. From the merchants point of view, this increases the number of orders they receive. From the customers point of view, an “always open” store is more convenient. Create Markets for Niche Products(小众产品、特制产品小众产品、特制产品)Buyers & sellers of niche products find it difficult to locate each other in the physical world. Online, it is only a matter of the customer searching for the product in a search engine. On


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