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1、Unit 3: wealth, success or love?选自:选自:新视野英语教程新视野英语教程1外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社uWarm-up activities(10)uThe teaching process(25)uPost-reading tasks(8)uThe review(1)uAssignment(1)Teaching Objectivesn Understand the main idea and the structure of the text, and cultivate their independent learning abilityn Gr

2、asp the key language points and the grammatical structures in the textn Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking, writing, and translation activities related to the theme of this unit.important important pointspointsLanguage pointsWords study:Grammar:The difficult point is to know how to div

3、ide the whole article into parts and get the main idea of the textDifficult Difficult pointspointsimportant important pointspointsLanguage pointsWords study:Grammar:The difficult point is to know how to divide the whole article into parts and get the main idea of the textDifficult Difficult pointspo

4、intsWarming-up questions(1) Did you admire Bill Gates ? Why?Key tips: talented, rich and successful (2)Success and wealth, if you could only keep one, what would be your choice(3)What about Success and love? This time, what would be your choice?Key tips: love is one of the most mysterious power in t

5、he world, love conquers all. 1.How many men did the women see in her front garden?Three men2. What did the three old men ask the woman to do when she invited them in the second time?They asked her to join in and discuss with his husband which of the men they wanted to invite in3: Why did wealth and

6、success go into the house?Because wherever love goes, wealth and success go with himthreePart two: (13-19) the familys choice: LovePart three: (20) wherever there is love, there is also wealth and success. Somehow: adv. by some means; in some way not yet known 以某种方法,通过某种途径E.g. 1. Tom got very angry

7、with Mike, but they somehow became good friends again 2. He lost his pen the other day and got it back somehow two days later.Out of sympathy 出于同情Out of : because of 因为;由于,处于e.g. out of interest, she joined in the gameSympathy: sensitivity to and understanding of the suffering of other people, often

8、 expressed in a willingness to give help同情;同情心e.g. He shows his sympathy for this homeless child, so he gives this child some money and clothesAssignment Discuss with your classmates and write a short paragraph with the name of “beauty, wisdom?” write about you choice between the two things. Thats all for my teaching, thank you for your kind listening!


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