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1、接待外宾接待外宾Picking up the guest Welcoming1 Introduction2 Greetings3 Offering4 Hotel5 Small talk topics6WelcomingvOn behalf of , Im very glad to welcome you here.我代表非常高兴地欢迎您的到来!vIts a pleasure to see you here.很高兴见到您!(见到您很荣幸)vWelcome to 欢迎到vThank you for coming all this way.感谢您不辞辛苦到这来!Introductionv Pleas

2、e let me introduce myself. Im请允许我介绍自己,我叫 How do you do? My name is 您好!我的名字叫作 May I introduce myself? Im 我可以向您介绍自己吗?我是Introduction Id like to introduce you to 我想向您介绍 A, let me introduce you to A,请允许我向您介绍 A, Id like you to meet A,我想向您介绍 This is Hes in charge of他是 他主管 He looks after他负责 Hes our Director

3、/Manager. 他是我们的部门经理Introduction I have heard a great deal /so much about you. 久仰大名 I have been looking forward to seeing you in person. 我一直期待见到您本人! Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见/眼见为实 Would you mind exchanging your business card with me? 您介意和我交换名片吗?v初次见面初次见面 How do you do? 你好! Very nice to meet you. 很高兴

4、见到你! Its nice to have you here. 你能来真的太好了!Greetingsv遇到熟人遇到熟人 Long time no see.好久不见! Great to see you again.再次见到你,实在太好了! Havent seen you for ages/some time.有些年/有段时间没见到你了! Hows it going? 你过得怎么样? How are you getting on/making out? 你最近如何? Whats up? 近来怎么样?Greetingsv正面回答正面回答 Quite well/Pretty good/All righ

5、t, thank you! 非常好,谢谢! Im doing great/good. How about you? 我很好,你呢? Couldnt be better! What about you? 我很好,你呢?v一般回答一般回答 Not too bad, thanks.还不错,谢了! Same as ever. 还是老样子 Nothing in particular. 没什么特别的Greetingsv关注气色关注气色 You appear well this morning. 今天早上你看起来很精神! Youre in very good looks.你气色不错! Youre looki

6、ng really good.你看上去气色不错! You dont look yourself. 你看起来很反常! You have been off colour recently. 你最近起色不佳!GreetingsSample Dialogue AA: Hey, man. Long time no see. Hows it going?A: 嘿,伙计,好久不见,最近怎么样?B: Pretty good. Thank you! How about you?B: 我很好!谢谢!你呢?A: Same as ever! Id like to introduce you to our manage

7、r, John Smith.A: 我还是老样子!这是我们经理,约翰史密斯。B: Nice to meet you, John. I have been looking forward to seeing you in person.B: 很高兴见到您,约翰!我一直很期待见到您本人!C: Nice to meet you too, Jack. Would you mind exchanging your business card with me?C: 我也很高兴见到您,杰克!你愿意和我交换名片吗?B: Of course. Here you are.B: 当然,给您!C: Thank you.

8、 This is mine.C: 谢谢,这是我的!vLet me help you with your luggage.v请允许我帮您拿行李!vMay I help you with one of your bags?v我可以帮您拿行李吗?vOur car is out in the parking lot.v我们的车子在外面的停车场。vTheres a car waiting for you, so please come this way.v有一辆车在等您,请走这边!vPls get in the back seat. 请您坐在后面!Offeringv Would you like to

9、go to your hotel to rest and have a shower, or go to our company first?v 您想先去宾馆休息沐浴,还是先去我们公司?v We have reserved/booked a room for you at Plaza Hotel Yuyao.v 我们在余姚宾馆给您预订了一个房间!v This is the hotel where youre going to stay.v 这就是您将要入住的宾馆!v Shall we go to the reception desk and check in?v 我们现在可以去接待处办理登记手

10、续吗?HotelvYour room is on the top floor, facing the Plaza. 您的房间在顶层,面朝广场。vHow do you like this suite?v您喜欢这个套间吗?vIf you encounter any inconvenience, pls let me know, and Ill be very glad to help you out!v若您有不便之处,请随时与我联系,我很乐意为您排忧解难。vYou must be tired after such a long flight. Have a good rest.v长途飞行,您一定很

11、累了,好好休息!HotelvTravel 旅行 Hows your flight?旅途如何? You must be exhausted/ I bet youre tired. 您一定很累了! How do you like our city? 你喜欢我们的城市吗? Is this your first visit to? 这是您第一次来吗? Did you have a good trip? 您旅途如何? I hope you enjoy your stay here. 我希望你在这里过得愉快!Small talk topicsvWeather天气 Its a beautiful day,

12、isnt it? 今天天气不错,不是吗? Finally weve gotten a beautiful day. 今天的天气很不错! Im a spring/summer/autumn/winter person. 我喜欢春天/夏天/秋天/冬天。 Its lovely/sunny/warm/cold. 天气很好/晴朗/温暖/寒冷。 How do you find our weather? 你觉得我们这天气如何? It was cloudy/cold/damp/wet/windy. 天气多云/寒冷/潮湿/湿润/多风的Small talk topicsvSchedule计划表 Here is a

13、 schedule weve prepared. I hope its suitable for you. 这是我们准备的计划表,希望它适合您! Im wondering whether you like this plan. 我想知道您是否同意这份计划? You can change it if you want. 如果您有需要,您可以做改动。Small talk topicsChat With Foreigners v 碰到老外碰到老外“废话废话”五步曲:五步曲:v 1. Excuse me, may I talk with you? 劳驾,我可以和你聊聊吗?v 2. Is this yo

14、ur first trip to China? 这是你第一次来中国吗?v 3. Have you ever been to other parts of China? 你到过中国的其他地方吗?v 4. What impressed you the most about China? 你对中国最深的印象是什么?v 5. How long do you plan to stay? 你打算呆多久?v 另外还有一些关心的话语:另外还有一些关心的话语:v 6. Are you used to the food / weather here? v 你吃的惯这儿的饭菜吗?/ 你习惯这儿的天气吗? v 7.

15、What do people my age love to do the most in your country?v 你们国家像我这样年纪的人最喜欢做什么?Sample dialogue BA: Mr. Smith,on behalf of Fucheng,Im very glad to welcome you here. Please let me introduce myself. Im Tina. Nice to meet you.A: 史密斯先生,我代表富诚热烈欢迎您的到来。请允许我介绍自己,我叫蒂娜,很高兴见到您! B: Nice to meet you too. Im John.

16、B: 我也很高兴见到您,我叫约翰。A: May I help you with one of your bags?A: 我可以帮您拿包吗?B: Thank you! Youre so sweet.B: 谢谢你,你人真好!A: My pleasure. There is a car waiting for you. Pls come this way.A: 别客气。有一辆车在等您,请走这边!A: How was your trip?A: 您旅途如何?B: A little tired.B: 有一点累。A: Sorry to hear that. Anyway, we have reserved a room for you at Plaza Hotel Yuyao. You can have a good rest.A: 很抱歉听到这个消息。我们已在余姚宾馆为您预订了房间,您可以好好休息一下。B: Thanks!B: 多谢!A: So how do you find our weather?A: 您觉得我们这边天气如何?B: Its hot. When I left home, it w


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