1、Long long ago,our mother earth is a amazing planet with deep blue water and sky.There are kinds of wild animals which had a happy life at the sake of god.But now, environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. Cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe.Pois
2、onous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut down .Waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.FloodDebris flowSandstormDroughtExcessive destruction of the environment has led to the frequentoccurrence of natural disasters.Fog and hazeAir pollution is at its worst o
3、ver big cities where millions of people live, work, and study.Take bus instead of by taxi or car if you are not urgent.Ride bike instead of take bus if it is not too far.Plant trees .They clean the air and bring us enough oxygen. They help keep the balance of nature. To deal with air pollution:We al
4、l know that water is very important in our life.IrrigateWashDrinkWater scarcity and pollution has become one of the most important things in recent years. Approximately 300 million people have no access to clean water in china. The governments of all countriesare supposed to formulate rules andregul
5、ations to deal with the pollutionproblem. Polluted water must be purifiedbefore it was discharged. At the same time, we should try our best to save water .Theearthisourhomeandwehavethedutytotakecareofitforourselvesandforourlatergenerations.Fortunately,moreandmorepeoplehaverealizedtheseproblems.Measureshavebeentakentocopewiththeseproblemsbythegovernment.Lawshavebeenpassedtostoppollution.Ihopetheproblemwillbesolvedinthenearfutureandourhomewillbecomebetterandbetter.Thank you