1、nHydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicalsnInhalation of hydrogen gas suppresses hepatic injury caused by ischemia/reperfusion through reducing oxidative stress. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 361 (2007) 670674nFig. 1. Suppressi
2、on of I/R injury by inhaling hydrogen gas. Under anesthetic gas, mice were subjected to a 90-min ischemic insult, followed by 180-min reperfusion. Ischemic livers were removed for fixing. Paraffin sections were prepared and subjected to HE staining. For mice to inhale hydrogen gas, hydrogen gas was
3、supplied to the anesthetic gas 10 min before reperfusion and continued to be supplied until the end of reperfusion. Instead of hydrogen gas, helium gas (4%) was also inhaled by mice. Representative pictures are shown. Scale bar: 2 mm (upper panels) and 100 lm (lower panels).对炎症因子的影响形态学改变010203040506
4、07080901001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 年度07080910111213151614年度新增氢气医学研究论文(年度新增氢气医学研究论文(SCI收录)收录)2007-2017年年圣水传奇 法国卢尔德,有个美丽的传说。据说1852年2月11日,圣母玛利亚显灵,让14岁牧羊女孩贝那特河边取水喝,随后人们发现,这泉水能治病,尤其对瘫痪有奇效。许多患者人幕名前来,治愈后丢掉带来的轮椅拐杖,这些轮椅和拐杖已经成为当地独特风景。1900 - Gomberg: discovery of triphenylmethyl radical三苯甲基的制备,确定了自由基的概念http:/www.c
5、hm.bris.ac.uk/motm/triphenylmethyl/main1.htmlM. Gomberg, Ber., 1900, 33, 3150; J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1900, 22, 757 University of Michigan Until 1950/60: minimal attention was given to biological actions of free radicals and reactive oxygen species1969 - McKord and Fridovich: Discovery of SOD and sugg
6、estion of the existence of endogenous superoxide J. Biol. Chem. 244: 6049-6055 (1969). 1973 - Babior et al.: Recognition of the relationship between superoxide production and bactericidal activity of neutrophils 1981 - Granger et al.: recognition of the relationship between local ROS production and
7、ischemia/reperfusion induced gut injury自由基础产生汇总。一、超氧阴离子是氧气获得一个电子的产物,在细胞内有4个主要途径:(1) 花生四烯酸途径;(2)线粒体呼吸链;(3)黄嘌呤和次黄嘌呤被黄嘌呤氧化酶氧化;(4)NADPH氧化。二、超氧阴离子产生后,有两个发展方向,一是可与NO反应产生毒性强的亚硝酸阴离子亚硝酸阴离子;另一个是在SOD催化下产生过氧化氢。三、过氧化氢产生后,有三个发展方向,(1)被Gpx或Cat催化,产生水;(2) 在Fe2+存在条件下,产生羟自由基羟自由基;(3)被MPO催化产生次氯酸阴离子后再转化为羟自由基羟自由基。.溶液水平证据:可
8、选择性中和部分活性氧溶液水平证据:可选择性中和部分活性氧氢气治疗癌症,逐渐有了证据,氢气预防癌症更加明确!氢水预防原发性肝癌,氢水预防结肠癌,呼吸氢气预防呼吸系统癌变。012345605101520253035404550A +hydrogenA +salineshamDtraining trialsescape latency(sec)shamA+salineA+hydrogen0.000.250.500.75Eprobe trials%time spent in the right quadrantRepresentative swim traces of each group in pr
9、obe trials (A-Sham, B- A+saline,C-A+hydrogen), eacape latencies (D) in training trials and percent goal quadrant dwell time (E) in the probe trials. Li et al.Brain res 2010048121620Ctl+ H2*n=5n=7氢水对动脉硬化的影响氢水对动脉硬化的影响(6M)Lesion volume (%)Aorta30 series sections to evaluate lesion volumes.+ H2 watercon
10、trolP0.05对照组治疗组SMMU. Unpublised dataT. Itoh, et al. BBRC 2009氢医学临床论文45篇!2017年7月来自顺天堂大学藤小野教授,在开放杂志The Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases上发表最新临床研究结果,首次证明人类脑缺血患者吸入氢气是安全的,显示氢气对脑缺血具有治疗作用。25个患者每天1小时吸入氢气治疗7天脑核磁共振成像结果中显示患者脑组织坏死程度的相对信号脑核磁共振成像结果中显示患者脑组织坏死程度的相对信号强度氢气治疗组明显好于对照组;强度氢气治疗组明显好于对照组;判断患者病情严重
11、程度的判断患者病情严重程度的NIHSS临床评分明显好于对照组;临床评分明显好于对照组;研究规模比较大,实验组研究规模比较大,实验组142名,对照组名,对照组120名。名。研究周期比较长,观察时间达到研究周期比较长,观察时间达到12个月。个月。氢气透析液不影响透析效果,对氢气透析液不影响透析效果,对减少透析带来的高血压减少透析带来的高血压、疲劳和疲劳和皮肤瘙痒等不良效益具有对抗作皮肤瘙痒等不良效益具有对抗作用。用。氢气治疗急性心肌梗塞氢气治疗急性心肌梗塞临床注册号: UMIN000006825 The 20 patients with an initial diagnosis of STEMI were assigned to either an HI group (1.3% H2 with 26%oxygen) or a control group (26% oxygen).发现在心肌梗塞急性期吸入氢气不影响梗死体积,但是在一周和6月后,心脏核磁共振成像数据结果发现,氢气吸入组患者左心射血体积增加。 庆应义塾大学 2017-2020年,360人,18小时吸氢,90天分析脑功能。44人,日饮用氢水人,日饮用氢水1.5L,3月,烧心缓解月,烧心缓解安全无毒,效果突出安全无毒,效果突出