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1、1Biophysical Chemistry2COURSE DESCRIPTIONBiophysical chemistry is the branch of chemistry (specifically, a branch of physical chemistry) that develops principles of the subject, and it is closely linked up the physics, chemistry and biology. Its concepts are used to explain observations on the physi

2、cal and chemical properties of biological objects. Biophysical chemistry deals with either the structure of biological molecules and their functions, or the metabolic process of biological organisms. This course will particularly focus on the structures and properties of typical biological macromole

3、cules, and on the principles of the experimental techniques, as well.3Alan Cooper Professor of Biophysical ChemistryDepartment of Chemistry, University of GlasgowChief Editor of the Biophysical Chemistry Cooper A. Biophysical Chemistry. RSC, 2004REFERNCE BOOK Templer R H, et al (Eds). Biophysical Ch

4、emistry. RSC, 2002.Richard H. TemplerChair Professor of Biophysical Chemistry Department of Chemistry, Imperial College Sci Tech LondonAlan G. Marshall Professor of ChemistryDepartment of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Florida State University Marshall A G. Biophysical Chemistry. Wiley,1978. 4Cooper A. B

5、iophysical Chemistry. RSC, 2004. Templer R H, et al (Eds). Biophysical Chemistry. RSC, 2002. Bergethon P R, et al. Biophysical Chemistry. Springer, 1990. Cantor C R, et al. Biophysical Chemistry(pt.1,2,3). Freeman,1980.Marshall A G. Biophysical Chemistry. Wiley ,1978. Marshall A G. Biophysical Chemi

6、stry .Wiley ,1976. 程程传传煊煊.生物物理化生物物理化学学. 科科学学技技术术文文献献出版社,出版社,1998REFERNCE BOOKS 51. Fundamentals 2. Biological molecules3. Microbial lipopeptides4. Cell membranes5. Biofilm6. Experimental techniquesOUTLINE6A quick review on Physical Chemistry1. Fundamentals70-1 Matter/SubstanceA substance is a distin

7、ct, pure form of matter. 0-2 EnergyThe kinetic energy and the potential energy.0-3 System and surroundingsAn open-, closed- and isolated system.0-4 The equation of StatesThe state, function of states and equation of states. 0-5 PropertiesPressure, p, Pa, 1 Pa=1 Nm-2;Temperature, , ; T/K= / +273.15Vo

8、lume, V, m3; Amount, n, mole (mol); NA = 6.021023 mol-1. 0. Basic concepts Pa105p版权所有:华东理工大学物理化学教研室81.1 The properties of gasesp= f (T,V,n)Boyles LawAt constant T pV = constantCharles LawAt constant p V/T = constantAt constant V p/T = constantAvogadros PrincipleAt constant T,p V = constantnThe combi

9、ned gas Law-the perfect gas equationnRTpV 9Critical pointFor real gases:The molecule itself occupies a volume; There are interactions among molecules; (V - -V )=nRT(p+p)2mmVabVRTpThe van de Waals equation1.1 The properties of gases 02m2TVp0mTVp10U = q + w the First Law of thermodynamicswqUddd1.2 The

10、 First Law of ThermodynamicsWork, heat and the internal energyfidexVVVpwVpVVpexifex)(fidrevVVVpwifrevlnVVnRTwT,11Standard reaction enthalpy(J)JmJrHH(J)JfJH(J)JcJHHesss lawHHHvapfussubKirchhoff law TCTHTHpTTd21r1r2rmReactantsmProductsr,p,ppCCCThe enthalpy, H = U+ pVTCqppTCqVV1.2 The First Law of Ther

11、modynamics12TqSrevddThe entropy, S:1.3 The Second Law of ThermodynamicsfirevdTqS 0dS( irreversible, = reversible, R)Vibrational (T R) VMqqMM1kT23TTranslational linear)(for RkT kTRThe overall heat capacity )2(3*V*R21m,RRRCV1.6 Statistical thermodynamics33A= kc 2A= kc BckcA= B2A=ckc CBA=cckc 3A= kc 2A

12、PAPBA P3APB2A PCBA PAPA=kc 2APA=/2kc BAPA=ckc 2APA=/3kc B2APA=/2ckc Reaction rateConsumption (Formation) RateReaction typeUnimolecular ReactionsCBA=cckc Elementary ReactionsBimolecular ReactionsTrimolecular Reactions1.7 The rates of reactions34OrderRate equationCharacteristics Differential Integrate

13、d Linear plottingkA Dimension Half life t1/20nA=1, nB=0nA=2, nB=0nA=1, nB=1a=b,cA0 cB0 nA=1, nB=1a b,cA0 cB0naAbB P1-3TNL 1T 13-1TLN 1)-(1-1)(3TNL nnAA0212kct A212lnkt A0A211ckt 1A0A1211)-(n12 nncktAAddktc AAddkctc 2AAddkctc BAAddckctc BAAddckctc nkctcAAdd tkccAAA0 tkccAAA0ln tkccAA0A11 BA0AB0B0A0Al

14、n)(ccccacbctak 1A0-1AA11)1(1nnccntkBA0A0B0BA0Aln)(1cccccctk tcA tclnAtc1AtcclnBAtcclnBAtcn1A 13-1TLN 13-1TLN 1.7 The rates of reactions35The Michaelis-Menten mechanismE + S ES P+Ekakakb1.7 The rates of reactions0EddPktSSMbKkkabaMkkkKKM, Michaelis constant. when S KM0bEddPktwhen S CMC monolayer film

15、primary micelle spherical micelle Critical Micelle Concentration,CMC431.10 Surfactants 44Micelle formation and the hydrophobic interaction1.10 Surfactants Surface pressure, *45Type A: inorganic substances such as NaCl, Na2SO4, KOH, NH4Cl, KNO3.The positive and negative adsorptionType B: organic substances such as alcohol, aldehyde, carboxyl acid, ester.Type C: usually surfactants 0Tc0S02Tc0S *1.10 Surfactants 46OUTLINE1. Fundamentals 2. Biological molecules3. Microbial lipopeptides4. Cell membranes5. Biofilm6. Experimental techniques


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