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1、Unit 4 Web Site of the Electronic Commerce学习指导:学习指导:本章将介绍:网上展示满足网站访问者的需要信任和忠诚电子商务网站开发战略 4.1. Web Presence Traditional business has always created a presence in the physical world by building stores, factories , warehouses , and office buildings . An organizations presence is the public image that it

2、 conveys to its stakeholders . The stakeholders of a firm include its customers , suppliers , employees , stockholders ,neighbors , and the general public . Most companies tend not to worry much about the image they project until they grow to a significant size - until then , they are too focused on

3、 just surviving to spare the effort . On the Web , presence can be much more important . Many customers and other stakeholders of a Web business know the company only through its Web presence . Creating an effective Web presence can be critical even for the smallest and newest firms operating on the

4、 web . Achieving Web Presence Goals An effective site is one that creates an attractive presence that meets the objectives of the business or organization . These objectives include : Attracting visitors to the Web site Making the site interesting enough that visitors stay and explore Convincing vis

5、itors to follow the sites links to obtain information Creating an impression consistent with the organizations desired image Building a trusting relationship with visitors Reinforcing positive images that the visitors might already have about the organization Encouraging visitors to return to the si

6、te4.2 Meeting the Needs of Web Site Visitors Businesses that are successful on the Web realize that every visitor to their Web sites is a potential customer. Thus, an important concern for businesses Grafting Web presences is the variation in visitor characteristics. People who visit a Web site seld

7、om arrive by accident; they are there for a reason.1、Many Motivations of Web Site Visitors Unfortunately for the Web designer trying to make a site that is useful for everyone, visitors arrive for many different reasons, including these: Learning about products or services that the company offers Bu

8、ying products or services that the company offers Obtaining information about warranty, service, or repair policies for products they purchased Obtaining general information about the company or organization Obtaining financial information for making an investment or credit-granting decision Identif

9、ying the people who manage the company or organization. Obtaining contact information for a person or department in the organization. Creating a Web site that meets the needs of visitors with such a wide range of motivations can be challenging. Not only do Web site visitors arrive with different nee

10、ds, they arrive with different experience and expectation levels. In addition to the problems posed by the diversity of visitor characteristics, technology issues can also arise. These Web site visitors are connected to the Internet through a variety of communication channels that provide different

11、bandwidths and data transmission speeds. They will also be using several different Web browsers. Even those using the same browser can have a variety of configurations. The wide array of browser add-in and plug-in software adds yet another dimension to visitor variability. Considering and addressing

12、 the implications of these many variations in visitor characteristics when building a Web site can help convert these visitors into customers.2、Making Web Sites Accessible One of the best ways to accommodate a broad range of visitor needs is to build flexibility into the Web sites interface. Many si

13、tes offer separate versions with and without frames and give visitors the option of choosing either one. Some sites offer a text-only version. As researchers at the Trace Center note, this can be an especially important feature for visually impaired visitors who use special browser software, such as

14、 the IBM Home Page reader, to access Web site content. The W3C Web Accessibility Initiative site includes a number of useful links to information regarding these issues. If the site uses graphics, it can give the visitor the option to select smaller versions of the images so that the page loads on a

15、 low-bandwidth connection in a reasonable amount of time. If the site includes streaming audio or video clips, it can give the visitor the option to specify a connection type so that the streaming media adjusts itself to the bandwidth for that connection. Web sites can also offer visitors multiple i

16、nformation formats by including links to files in those formats. For example, a page offering financial information could include links to an HTML file, an Adobe PDF file, and an Excel spreadsheet file. Each of these files would contain the same financial information in different formats. Visitors can then choose the format that best suits their immediate needs. Visitors looking for a specific financial fact might choose the HTML file so that the information appears in their Web browsers. Other


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