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1、In Todays Sessionn1. Listen to the mini-lecture given by Group 4.n2. Discussion.n3. Do some exercises. n4. Watch clips of examples.n5. Listen to 2 speeches.Chapter 9Beginning and Ending the SpeechQuestion for discussionnDo the speakers need to thank the audience or the host at the beginning of the s

2、peech?“ Thanks for giving me this opportunity to”What is the best way to begin my speech? nYour Audience: “Stop boring us to death! We dont care if you are happy to be here; we dont know you well enough to care yet. We already know your name and title; the person introducing you told uswe arent stup

3、id! Stop talking about you, you, you. We dont care about you at this stage of our relationship. Instead, tell us something interesting and relevant to us. We care about ourselves. If you address our needs, well be more likely to pay attention to the rest of your speech!” (T. J. Walker)Sample Opening

4、 Remarksn1) Thank you very much, Prof. Fawcett, for your very kind introduction. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about on this session of our symposium.n2) Ladies and gentleman. Its an honor to have the opportunity to address such a

5、distinguished audience. n3) Mr. Chairman, thank you very much for your kind introduction. President, Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! n4) Good morning, everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you aboutHow should I end my speech?

6、nYour Audience: “Nothing is worse than a speaker who just quickly and abruptly finishes the last bullet point on a presentation and says thats-it-any-questions-thank-you-and-goodbye as they run off the stage. End with a purpose. End with finality in your voice. Dont throw us off guard. Dont be like

7、a car that is going down the highway at 70 miles per hour and then suddenly runs out of gas. You dont have to be funny or poignant, but at least re-state your main points, summarize, or ask us to do something. Leave us with one final thoughtand that thought should NOT be that you are desperate to ge

8、t out of the room!” (T.J. Walker)Identify the flaw(s) of the intro.nWhat tiny crystal fortified the coffers of many ancient empires and laid waste to others? What other mineral has the power to create and the power to destroy? What is good as gold when scarce and cheap as dirt when abundant?nThe ans

9、wer to all of these questions is salt, the spice of life. Today I would like to look at the importance of salt in history, at how we spice up our lives with salt today, and at the role salt will probably play in the future.nA six-year-old collie lay battered and helpless by the side of the road. The

10、 car that hit her had broken her pelvis, dislocated her hip, and smashed her jaw. It had also blinded her, and she whimpered in pain and fear.nUnfortunately, this true story happens much too frequently because of the growing problem of pet overpopulation. Having grown up on a farm with animals of al

11、l kinds, I care deeply about their welfare, and I have become aware through my veterinary courses of how serious the problem of pet overpopulation is. nSoap operasnAre you an addict? Do you need a daily fix to keep going? Are you hooked on one of the modern college students most popular escapes from

12、 reality?nIm talking, of course, about soap operas. According to Newsweek magazine, students across the land are watching soap operas in record numbers. I dont about you, but in my experience, getting a front-row seat for “The Young and the Restless” in the dorms or the Union is just as tough as get

13、ting a seat on the fifty-yard line for football or at center court of basketball!Assignmentsn1. Read Chapter 14.n2. Group 5 prepares the mini-lecture on Chapter 14. n3. Group 1 prepares an informative speech on any topic by using the techniques for effective opening and ending mentioned in Chapter 9.


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