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1、Specialized English on TelecommunicationUnit 18 MultimediavKey terms:vtransmission that combine media of communication (text and graphics and sound etc.)vMultimediava user interface based on graphics (icons and pictures and menus) instead of text; uses a mouse as well as a keyboard as an input devic

2、e vGUI vGraphics User Interfacev图形用户接口 vCD-I vCompact disc interactive v交互式紧凑光盘系统 vJPEG vJoint photographic experts group vMPEG vMoving picture experts group vMIDI vMusical Instrument Data Interfacev乐器数字接口 vBitmapv位图vSVG vScalable Vector Graphics v可缩放的矢量图形vGIFvGraphics Interchange Formatv图形交换格式vRGB

3、v三原色模式vCMYK v印刷色彩模式 (cyan青,magenta品红,yellow黄,black黑)vHypertextv超文本vcomputer software that recognizes numbers and letters of the alphabet which are written on paper, so that information from paper documents can be scanned into a computer vOCR voptical character recognitionv光学字符识别 vMDBMS vMultimedia d

4、atabase management system v多媒体数据库管理系统 vPervasivev扩大的,渗透的vWhimsical v古怪的,反复无常的vPinv钉住vNuancev微小的差别(色彩等)vPerspectivev透视,角度,远景vConveyv运输,传递,转换vCounterpartv伙伴,副本,对应物vArtifactv人工制品vVideo-clipv录像剪辑vAudio recordingv唱片vJuxtaposev并置,并列vInnovativev创新的,富有革命精神的vIngredientv成分,要素vSyntheticv合成的,综合性的vExtractv抽取,分离v

5、indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display; moving it allows the user to point to commands or screen positions vCursorv光标,游标,指针vAnnotatev给.注解vDQDBvDistributed queue dual busv分布式队列双总线vDeployv采用,推广应用vPredominancev优势,显著vPrecursorv先驱,前任vVoicegradev音频级vComputer mediated

6、 communicationsv计算机中介通信van event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another vAccompanimentv伴随物,附属物vConsensusv意见一致vVODvVideo-on-demandv视频点播vDeadlinev截止时间vConstrainv限制,约束vDeviatev偏离vPreferencev选择,喜欢vDominantv主要的,控制的vBy contrastv相反,对比起来vPass on v传递,切换vLena image (512*51

7、2) vBmp 24bit 769kvJPG 41kvGIF 138kvTIFF 897 vPNG 672vBmp monochrome 33kPassage B CharacteristicsvMultimedia is one the most innovative ways of using a telecommunications network to achieve effective communications (1) between people and (2) for access to information.v多媒体是在(1)人与人之间(2)获取信息中,用通信网络获得有效

8、的通信的最重大的变革方式vThis chapter describes the essential ingredients of multimedia and gives a wide variety of examples of applications in a wide range of industrial settings.v这章描述了多媒体的基本组成,并且给出了在广泛工业环境中应用的许多例子。vFour key ingredientsv四个关键组成vMultimedia communication is defined here as the combination of four

9、 key ingredients:v多媒体通信被定义为下面四个方面的组合vTwo or more of the five media of communication (audio, data, fax, image, and video);v具有通信的五种媒体中2个或者2个以上的媒体。vInteractive capabilities between the communication parties;v通信方之间的交互能力vCommunications with human users.v人类用户参与的通信vMultimedia systems involve communications

10、 with human users as senders or receivers of information, or both.v多媒体系统涉及到参与通信的人作为发信者或者收信者或者两者都是。vBy contrast, single medium systems, such as data and fax, can involve inter-machine communications with no human user present while the communication is underway. v对比而言,单一媒体系统,例如,在通信过程中,数据,传真,涉及到机器之间的通

11、信,但没人参与。vIt is the human element that benefits from more than one medium of communication, and also from the interactive capabilities of multimedia systems.v从人的角度来看,是受益于多种媒体的通信的,也受益于多媒体系统之间的交互能力。vSynchronization. Multimedia systems require two types of synchronization between the different media.v同步

12、性,多媒体系统需要不同媒体之间通信具有两种类型的同步。vContinuous synchronization is required for audio/video, for instance, to coordinate lip movement with speech.v在视频和音频中要求连续性同步,例如,演讲时对嘴唇的协调控制。vSynthetic synchronization is required by the designer of the system to organize the presentation of material in the desires manner

13、(e.g., the sequencing of video clips with data and graphics).v在设计的系统中各元素按照自己想要的方式出现必须采用综合同步。例如,具有数据和图像的视频剪辑的顺序。vVideoconferencing is a typical example of multimedia, combining two media (audio and video), interaction, human users, and synchronization.v视频会议是多媒体的一个典型例子,包含两个媒体,音频和视频,交互,人,同步系统。vBy contr

14、ast, broadcast television allows no backward channel for the information receiver to interact with the information provider, and it is therefore not regarded as a multimedia communication.v对比而言,广播电视容许没有用于信息接收者与信息发送者进行交互的反向通道,因此不能认为是多媒体通信。vThe types of interaction in multimedia systems are as follows

15、:v多媒体系统中交互类型包括下面几种:vSearch and browse. These correspond to database access functions for extracting the required multimedia information from storage.v搜寻和浏览。这些是同从存储媒体中获得需要的多媒体信息的相应的数据库接入功能相对应。vInteractive “buttons”. A frame of information (i.e., a screen or portion of a screen) may contain buttons th

16、at can be selected (e.g., using a cursor) to control the presentation of information, and to pass on to another frame.v交互按钮。帧信息可能包括被选择的按钮,这个按钮用来控制提供的信息和传递给另外一个帧。vExamples of “buttons” are lists of options, menu selections, and portions of the displayed information that can be selected to obtain additional information on that subject. v例如按钮可以是选项,菜单选择,和在被选择的目标上显示出附加信息vWindowing. One frame of information overlaps a background frame, and the size of frames can be changed by the user so as to view po


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