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1、12about 关于关于, 附近附近, 大约大约, 周围周围, 随身随身 across 横过横过, 对面对面, 交叉交叉, 在在.的对面的对面. after 在在.后面后面,依照依照. against 撞到撞到, 靠着靠着, 反对反对, 违背违背, along 沿着沿着, 顺着顺着among 在在.当中当中常用介词常用介词above 在在.上上, 高出高出, 以上以上, 超过超过, 在在.上游上游3around 在在.的周围的周围, 在在.那一边那一边 before 在在.的前面的前面(位置位置), 在在.之前之前(时时间间) below 在在.之下之下, 低于低于beside 在在.的旁边的

2、旁边, 在在.之外之外, 与与.相比相比 besides 除除.之外之外between 在在.两者之间两者之间by 被被., 在在.的近旁的近旁, 在在.之前之前, 不不 迟于迟于, 以以.为手段为手段at 在(地点,时间,某方面),向,对behind 在后面4during 在在.期间期间, 在在.时候时候 except 除除.之外之外 for 为为., 因为因为., 至于至于. from 从从., 来自来自., 因为因为.in 在在., 在在.之内之内, 从事于从事于., 按照按照.,穿着穿着. over 在在.之上之上, 遍于遍于.之上之上, 越过越过. since 自自. 以后以后, 自

3、自.以来以来 like 像of 的(所属);与动词和形容词等连用.off 从下来on 在上;关于;在某特定时间等outside 在外面past 经过, 过了,5 through 穿过穿过,通过通过to 向向;对对;到到 towards 向着向着,对于对于under 在在之下之下with 同同,用用,带有带有等等without 不不,没有没有64. 短语介词短语介词 but for, according to, apart from, as to, on behalf of, on account of, by means of, in spite of, at the cost of, for

4、 the sake of, thanks to, due to7时间、地点等介词用法要时间、地点等介词用法要点点1. 表示时间的介词表示时间的介词1). At 8, at supper, at midnight, at sunset, at the sight of, at the thought of, at table, at school 2) In January 83). On On Monday, on New Years Day, on the morning of July 4,On arriving/ his arrival at the hotel, he was gree

5、ted by the president.94). During, in, forHe did a lot for the army during/in the war.The shop was closed during the whole of August.He wrote for one night.He wrote during the night.105). Since & afterSince her graduation, she has worked in the factory.After her graduation, she worked/ will work in t

6、he factory.112. 表示地点的介词表示地点的介词1). At, in , on2). On & underneath (接触接触)It is said that there is a secret hall underneath the house.The book is on the table.123). Under & over (垂直垂直,不接触不接触)There are some chairs under the tree.The lamp hung over the table.He is over us. (上下级上下级)We are under him.There

7、is a bridge over the river. (横过横过)134). Above & below (不接触不接触,也不垂也不垂直直)The plane is flying above us.The sun has sunk below the horizon.5). Beneath=below, under, underneath143. 表示原因或理由的介词表示原因或理由的介词The old man died of liver trouble.She is sick of drinking too much.She died from hunger or poverty.He tr

8、embled for fear.The man bent with age.15She lost her job through carelessness.He passed the test by cheating.He is pleased at your telling the truth.She came on my invitation.These errors are owing to his neglect.His death is due to natural causes.164. 表示关于表示关于,至于的介词至于的介词In regard to, with regard to

9、, regarding, as regards, concerning, respecting, with respect to, in respect of, with reference to, in the matter of.175. 表示方法、手段或工具的介词表示方法、手段或工具的介词1). ByThe letter was sent by express.They came by air.They exchange views by telephone/ on the telephone.182). With & byHe peeled apples with a knife.Th

10、ese woolen socks were knitted by hand.196. 表示价格、速度、标准的介词表示价格、速度、标准的介词She bought the fish at two dollars a jin.She bought the fish for twenty dollars.We are paid by the month.207. 表示特性、属性的介词表示特性、属性的介词He is a man of wealth.The case is of great importance.The machines are of a kind.The man is of differ

11、ent thinking.Socialism with Chinese characteristics218. 表示进行意义的介词表示进行意义的介词The book is at press.The cows are at grass.The flowers are in full bloom.He was caught in the act of stealing.The kettle was on the boil.The building is under construction.221. with the help of2. on (the) earth3. after a while

12、4. in front5. on duty6. on ones way to在在的帮助下的帮助下在地球上在地球上,究竟究竟过了一会过了一会前方前方值日值日在去在去的途中的途中237. to ones surprise8. kinds of9. in the future10. in the end11. for example12. in fact13. in time14. at the moment例如例如最后最后在将来在将来各种各样的各种各样的令令惊讶惊讶事实上事实上及时及时此刻此刻24有时有时在在几岁时几岁时名胜名胜坐飞机坐飞机同时同时匆忙地匆忙地顺便说一下顺便说一下另一方面另一方面1

13、5. on the other hand16. at times17. by the way18. in a hurry19. at the same time20. by air21. a place of interest22. at the age of2523. on show24. at the beginning of25. around your neighbourhood展览展览在在的开始的开始在你周围在你周围261. quarrel with2. take care of4. stop from5. fall behind6. make ones way to和和吵架吵架照顾

14、照顾阻止阻止做做落在落在后面后面往往走去走去278. get on/off9. help with12. multiply by13. prefer to14. regard as16. point to帮助帮助做做上上/下车下车乘以乘以宁愿宁愿把把当作当作指向指向2817. point at18. catch up with19. laugh at20. agree with21. ask for22. be filled with用用装满装满请求请求同意同意的意见的意见嘲笑嘲笑赶上赶上指着指着2923. be made of/from24. base on27. speak highly

15、of28. think of29. think about以以为根据为根据称赞称赞考虑考虑想起想起由由制成制成301.be different from2.the same as3.be famous for4.be angry with5.be afraid of6.be proud of和和不同不同和和相同相同因因而著名而著名 生生的气的气害怕害怕以以自豪自豪318. be late for9. be pleased with10. be excited about11. be amazed at12. be busy with sth.13. be ready for14. be ful

16、l of忙着某事忙着某事为为准备好准备好充满充满的的对对感到惊讶感到惊讶对对感到兴奋感到兴奋对对感到满意感到满意迟到迟到321.instead of2.make room for3.play a joke on4.be interested in5.be fed up with6.help yourself to代替代替给给腾出地方腾出地方对对恶作剧恶作剧 对对感兴趣感兴趣厌倦厌倦随便吃随便吃与其他词搭配与其他词搭配337.in the open air8.thanks to10.by oneself11.from now on从现在开始从现在开始亲自亲自幸亏幸亏在户外在户外34介词和介词短语的惯用法难点介词和介词短语的惯用法难点1. At the beginning of, at first, in the beginning, at last, at the end of, in the endAt the beginning of the meeting, they sang a song.At first they didnt know each other.In the be


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