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1、专线车服务程序主题:专线车服务参考号:XXXX-005Subject: Special line shuttle service Ret.-005目的 OBJECTIVE规范穿梭巴士的服务程序,为酒店住店客人提供便利Regularize the process of hotel shuttle service to provide convenience for hotel guests流程 PROCEDURES1 .专线车是为住客提供的免费服务项目,原则上只有住客才能享受这项服务,对非住客的乘搭要婉言拒绝。Special line shuttle is a free service for

2、the guests, in principle only hotel guests can share this service, should refuse those people who do not stay in the hotel.2 .住客的亲戚、朋友等在车辆可容纳的情况下可与住客一同前往火车站、机场。Hotel gucsts, relatives, friends, etc. can ride together to railway station and airport when there are enough empty seats.3 .房务总监、前厅经理、宾客服务经

3、理可酌情同意,对非住客的乘车免去费用。With the director of room division, front desk manager, guest service managers permission, guests who do not stay in the hotel can also ride on the shuttle for free.4 .耐心解答客人提问,总是做到热情、有礼,尽可能为客人提供最直接的服务。Solve guests problems patiently, be passionate and polite, provide the most dir

4、ect sen,ice as much as possible.5 .若住客向行李员询问专线车怎样乘搭,行李员要认真解答。如客人需立即乘车 离店,则由行李员直接带客人上专线车,并将客人的房号、人数、前往地点 等资料告诉门僮,以便登记。如接受询问的行李生正在为他人服务的时候, 则请另一位行李员帮忙送客人上车。Luggage man should be patient to answer guest,s questions about traffic information. If guest needs to leave hotel immediately, luggage man should

5、 take the guest to the special line directly, and tell the guests room number, amount of people, destination to doorman for registeration. If the luggage man is busy carrying other peoples luggages, ask for help from another luggage man.6 .若住客暂时不需乘坐专线车,则清楚地向客人讲解有关如何乘搭、开车时间等, 请客人届时到停车点直接候车。If guest w

6、ould not ride on the shuttle immediately, tell him the shuttles information, to let them get there on time.7 .非住客询问是否有专线车服务,则告诉客人专线车只为本店客人服务,婉言拒 绝其要求。For those who do not stay in the hotel to ask for shuttle information, tell them the shuttle is just for guests who stay in the hotel, and refuse them

7、 in a vivid way.8 .任何时候行李员不得跟车外出。Luggage man can not go with the shuttle for any reasons.9 .每天的专线车记录由各班次专人负责,即早班行李员一人,中班一人。另两人 协助工作,以免工作、管理上发生混乱现象。每次开车前二分钟由行李员负 责清点客人数目,前往何处,并在相应时间上做好记录。The luggage man for morning and noon shifts, keep records on the driving lines every day, another two assist to work to avoid any chaos in work and management. Luggage man checks the headcounts two minutes before the shuttle leaves, and keeps record on destination and time.


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