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1、拒绝邀请的回函英文拒绝邀请的回函英文第2篇Dear Pau1.,Thank you very much for your invitation. I wou1.d rea1.1.y 1.ike to p1.ay in the Peop1.e, s Park , which wi1.1. reopen next Sunday, but I wi1.1. have to pick up my unc1.e at the airport in the ear1.y has been studying in the USA for three years.What, s more, I have pr

2、omised Pau1. to 1.earn to swim in the swimming poo1. and enjoy 20xx, which is said to be a wonderfu1. am very sorry about your invitation. I think our c1.assmate Anna can take my p1.ace to be your knows a 1.ot about the wi1.1. give her your emai1. address so that you can make a detai1.ed schedu1.e a

3、bout the activity.I wish you had a nice day.yours,1.i Hua.拒绝邀请的回函英文第3篇I have nr thought about my fute job, not becse I do, t care, but becse I don,t n have a c1.ub. This morning, when I woke up, I sudden1.y fe1.t a worry that if I worked in a company, it wou1.d not exhst my s know1.edge. Working in

4、a company was very difficu1.t, stresu1. and competitive.If I worked in a university, teaching a1.1. day wou1.d be bong. I wou1.d dea1. with books and students. If I worked in a 1.aw firm, it wou1.d be difficu1.t It, s difficu1.t for me to 1.earn a 1.ot in the company.I know that I wi1.1. 1.ose my ow

5、n wor1.d at that time. It, s not fun at a1.1. m not se whether a s degree is a good choice.I a1.ways wte papers and read bong things. Now I think I have tub1.e finding a job. I don,t n know what I want to do in the near fute.But I ca, t imagine the presse and competition, My teacher, different peop1

6、.e have different ideas when choosing a job for me. Being a teacher is my idea1. job. Becse when I was a chi1.d in pmary schoo1., I found that being a teacher is so good.A teacher can teach students a1.1. kinds of know1.edge, not on1.y how to be good at 1.earning, but a1.so how to be a good teacher

7、can guide his students to the ght way In order to become a teacher in the fute, I shou1.d study hard, accumu1.ate a1.1. kinds of know1.edge, and prepare for the fute. In particu1.ar, I want to be better and have advantages, becse teachers are the mode1. of students.中文翻译:关于我未来工作我从来没有想过我未来工作,不是因为我不在乎,

8、而是因为 我连俱乐部都没有。今天早上,当我醒来时,突然,我感到一种担心,如果我 在一家公司工作,那么这项工作不会耗尽我主人知识,在一家公司工作是非常 艰难,压力大,竞争激烈如果我在大学里工作,一整天执教会很无聊,我要和 书和学生打交道如果我在律师事务所工作会比在公司更难我要学很多东西我 知道那时我会失去我自己世界,一点也不好玩我不确定读硕士学位是不是一个 好选择我总是写论文,读无聊东西现在我想我找工作有麻烦了我甚至不知道在 不久将来我想做什么去上海会很好,但是压力和竞争是我想象不到,我老师, 不同人在为我选择工作时有不同想法,当老师是我理想工作,因为当我还是个 小时候小学,我发现做一个教师是多

9、么好老师可以教给学生各种各样知识,不 仅教他们如何善于学习,而且如何成为一个好老师可以引导他学生走上正确道 路,避免一句话误会,做一名教师,对学生和社会都有很大贡献,为了将来成 为一名教师,我现在要努力学习,积累各种知识,为将来做好准备,特别是我 要更加优秀,有更多优点,因为老师是学生楷模。拒绝邀请的回函英文第4篇Dear Mr. Jones:Thanks for your invitation to attend the exhibition to be he1.d by Be1.1. company at San Francisco during December 15,2023 betw

10、een December 18,2023. Actua1.1.y, your products are certain1.y interests of me and I am rea1.1.y want to attend the exhibition, but unfortunate1.y I wi1.1. be engaged in a very important meeting during that time.I am regretfu1. for missing the exhibition. We have made good re1.ationships of cooperat

11、ion for many years, and it has brought us good benefits. I be1.ieve it wi1.1. 1.ast for a 1.ong time if we give more understanding to each other. The meeting is very important to me, and I can not be absent. So I hope you can forgive me for my absence.Wish the exhibition a great success and hope tha

12、t you wi1.1. send me another invitation at some future date.Yours sincere1.y,1.i Ming拒绝邀请的回函英文第5篇Dear pau1. :Thank you very much for your invitaiom! I d 1.ike to p1.ay with you next Sunday in Peop1.e,s Park, but I have to say sorry to you , 11 have an examination the next day and I can, t spare the

13、time to go out and p1.ay with examination is rather important for me because I ca, t get my degree without the pass of the have connected Tom, my friend to company with you in case that you, 11 fee1. rather you too have a good time thatYours Pau1.day.拒绝邀请的回函英文第6篇Honey, m very sorry. I was not at hom

14、e when you came to see me that day. I had important things to do.I had to go out. I cou1.d have come back ear1.ier, but I had a seous traffic jam on the ad, so I had to get off and go to another street to take another bus, which made me go home 1.ate. m sorry, I wou1.d 1.ike to invite you to come again Once, are you free tomorw afternoon? 1.ooking forward to yo rep1.y, a1.1. greetings to you.中文翻译:亲爱,我非常抱歉,那天你来看我时候我不在家,我有重要事情要做,我必 须出去,我来可以早点回来,但是我在路上遇到了严重交通堵塞,所以我不得 不下车,走到另一条街上乘另一辆公共汽车,这使我回家晚了,我很抱歉,我 会很想邀请你再来一次,明天下午你有空吗?期待你回复所有对你问候。


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