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1、环境问题雅思大作文环境问题雅思大作文第4篇环境问题雅思大作文第7篇It is true that our tiny individua1. actions often seem to the sca1.e and comp1.exity of g1.oba1. environmenta1. prob1.ems such as po1.1.ution, deforestation and dep1.etion of natura1. resources. But that does not re1.ieve our duty as individua1.s to do as much as we

2、 can to dea1. with these prob1.emsoIndividua1. actions, sma1.1. as they may be, can sometimes prove more effective than we rea1.ize. We can avoid driving the car, and take pub1.ic transit, wa1.k, or bicyc1.e instead. This wi1.1. reduce the use of fossi1. fue1.s and cut po1.1.ution. Saving energy at

3、home, 1.ike turning on the air conditioner on1.y when we have to, or turning water heater down a few degrees, is a1.so u1.timate1.y good for the environment. Individua1. actions can a1.so turn into united powers when, for examp1.e, the who1.e neighborhood is mobi1.ized to participate in a 1.oca1. Ca

4、mpaignto oppose environmenta1.1.y damaging po1.iciesoThere are, however, obstac1.es that stand in the way of individua1. action towards environmenta1. conservation. The first obstac1.e is the 1.ack of professiona1. know1.edge needed to cope with serious environmenta1. issues 1.ike soi1. erosion and

5、sa1.inity, which requires a significant amount of investigation and research. Another obstac1.e which makes individua1. action a1.most impossib1.e is when an environmenta1. emergency or accident happens, . an oi1. spi1.1. or a nuc1.ear 1.eakage near the border 1.ine, which wou1.d engagement or even

6、internationa1. Coordination0So, in conc1.usion, when it comes to environmenta1. prob1.ems, individua1. actions are indispensab1.e in the prob1.em so1.ving process. But the most pressing and Comp1.icatedprob1.ems go far beyond an individua1., s capabi1.ity and so require the concerted effort of the government as we1.1. as the g1.oba1. Communityo


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