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1、wExercises to LexiconwI.Complete the words with suitable negative prefixes:w1.removable 2.regularw3.logical 4.normal w5.proportionate 6.syllable w7.sensible 8.elastic w9.workable 10.thinkable wII.List all the function words and give the percentage of function words in it:w She was a small woman,old

2、and wrinkled.When she started washing for us,she was already past seventy.Most Jewish women of her age were sickly,weak,broken in body.But this washwoman,small and thin as she was,possessed a strength that came from generations of peasant ancestors.Mother would count out to her a bag of laundry that

3、 had accumulated over several weeks.She would lift the heavy bag,load it on her narrow shoulders,and carry it the long way home.85/40=47%be pastwIII.Find the sources of the following blends:w 1.flare 2.transistor w 3.telethon 4.aerobicisew 5.bit 6.guestimatew 7.threepeat 8.modem wIV.Find the origina

4、l term from the back-formed words:w 1.diagnose:_ 2.tuit:_w 3.amusing:_ 4.greed:_w 5.escalate:_ 6.homesick:_w 7.peddle:_ 8.frivol:_ wVChoose the best choice:w 1.The pair of words“lend”and“borrow”are _.w A.gradable opposites B.relational oppositesw C.synonyms D.co-hyponymsw 2.The semantic components o

5、f the word“woman”can be expressed as _.w A.+animate,+human,+male,-adult wB.+animate,+human,-male,-adultwC.+animate,+human,+male,+adultwD.+animate,+human,-male,+adultw3.What is the meaning relationship between the two words“desk and furniture”?w A.Polysemy B.Homonymy w C.Hyponymy D.Antonymyw 4.The wo

6、rds“dog”and“read”are called _because they can occur unattached.w A.derivational morphemes B.bound morphemesw C.inflectional morphemes D.free morphemesw w9.Some morphemes have more than one invariable form,such as“dogdogs”,“catcats”“mousemice”,which are called_.w A.bound morpheme B.allomorphw C.free

7、morpheme D.minimal morpheme w10.In English n.v.a.and adv.make up the largest part of the vocabulary.They are also called _.w A.closed class words B.conventional words w C.open class words D.compoundsw11._ can be used independently without being combined with other morphemes.w A.Free morphemes w B.Bo

8、und morphemes w C.Affixes D.Rootsw12.The word“bookish”contains two _.w A.phonemes B.morphs w C.morphemes D.allomorphsw13._ morpheme are those that cannot be used independently but have to wbe combined with other morphemes,either free or bound,to form a word.w A.Free B.Bound C.Root D.Affix w14._ modi

9、fy the meaning of the stem,but usually do not change the part wof speech of the original word.w A.Prefixes B.Suffices C.Roots D.Affixesw15.The words“make,bus”are called _.w A.derived morphemes B.inflected morph.w C.bound morph D.free morphemew16.Which is variable word?w A.from B.until C.work D.and w

10、17.Which processes of lexical change does the Chinese word“国务院”experienced?wA.Blending B.Abbreviation C.Borrowing D.Back-formation w18.Which word is created through the process of acronym?wA.ad B.edit C.AIDS D.Bobow19.The word“math”is formed through _.w A.back formation B.clipping w C.Blending D.derivation w 20._ is the branch of grammar that studies the internal structure of words,and the rules by which words are formed.w A.Affix B.Inflection w C.Allomorph D.Morphologyw


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