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1、American Naturalism现实主义与自然主义的对照: ccordingthe novelist ran orris, ealismwas the literature of the normal and the representative smaller details of everyday life, things that are likely to happen In contrast to a ealist, a aturalist believes that a character is fundamentally an animal, without free wi

2、ll. hus a character can be e plained in terms of the forces, usually heredity and&is a manner and method of composition by which the author&author portrays Iifeas it is in accordance with the philosophic theory of determinismerms relating to aturalism& ree ill or eterminismIn aturalism, characters d

3、o not have free will external and internal forces, environment, or heredity control their behavior, his belief is called determinism. Ildeterminists believein the existenceof the will, but the will is often enslaved on account of different reasons.In many ways, naturalism grew out of the foundations

4、 laid by earlier realist writers, leading some to call it an iiemphasized realism. It also grew out of the wor of renchwriter mileZola himselFinfluenced by the earlier writings of alzac and Iaubert), who belie fend a world not governed by choice, but determined primarily by heredity and environment.

5、曰 Scientific determinism became Zola, S primary means to understand human behavior.e called this new ind of writing e roman experimental, and here the novelist functioned as more of a scientist. or the writer, direct observation too the place of creative imagination. ife furnished abundant plots and

6、 themes for the witer, s purposes.he significant period of fruition (获得成果)for merican naturalist writing is typically seen as stretching from theto the first twodecades of the th centu. ry Utdramatic changes had takenplace in the nitedStates since the ansd, many younger WriterS felt that people(分水岭)

7、 (垄断)(巨头)(自由放任的) (汇集,涌入)(退化的) 令令(强制,压制)令(欺骗,逃避)naturalist writing令 The notion of a “surface“ world (reality) seemed obsolete compared with determinants (决定因素)from “below” (economics, basic physical needs, sexual drives, natural and social environment, etc )令 nlike romanticists, life for naturalists

8、was not beneficent, but downright hostile令 By the 1890s, realism* s individual problems seemed nothing compared to crushing forces seemingly outside human control令 RealiSm S concern wi th everyday life seemed a luxury compared to events from social and economic forces自然主义的特点:n the world of naturalis

9、t fiction. haracters are motivated by sexual desire, greed, and mob psychology any are stereotypes. etails are not important in and of themselves as in realism n naturalism the symbolism is found in large world issues. ociety is divided into the have and have nots, predator and prey.ife is ugly, bru

10、tal, and short.en and women are not far removed from the animal world. ree will is an illusion. ature and fate are indifferent to humans. Words like iicourage, and “virtue” have no meaning. The world is made up of random events. Verythingand everyone is shaped by blind chance and environmental deter

11、minism自然主义的困惑: anynaturalist writers, such as rane, orris, and reiser, began their careers as newspaper reporters, observing the world that was seemingly indifferent to human fate S both ournalists and as writers of fiction, they wrote to alert everyone to the bad conditions This leads to the parado

12、x of naturalism if the writer writes to change things, how can they change a determined world代表作家:hoseeecondThe ReddgeeUIe 9u heeeheeee s t o n ehedevelopmee raryue eh heeee de e 1 a n c edheheeee uThbe Beddgeu 1891e Reddgeu d eeree yle ddhugheeeduiteye(鼓e舞 Cl) yhe ucceThe Reddge d he TgRidee ecame

13、ubsumedh dee hiredUUeheebehereheh0heyhehipwrehichhey horedinghyh hreeheehed dheyhe ee eephe18711900ee ervice1899eheee1893 The Reddgeurage 189 Thee Regime189 The 0 Ruddy1903 The hi rde189he The Ope189 Thee1899ee1900 eed1921e TheRide1891899dhe1901红色勇敢标志(先锋派)celebrity.year Oplrdivate Henry Ieming ea lo

14、st cause y escaping into the attalion.uring an unnamed attle, survives what he considers to nearby forest, deserting his He then finds a group of injuredmen in which neof the group, theHenry, embarrassedthat he does not have any wounds, wanders through the forest. He ultimately decides that running was the estthing, and that he is a small part of the army responsible for saving himself. When he learns that his attalion had won the attle and that it was not a suicide mission after all, Henry feels incrediblyguilty


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