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1、内 容CFDA安全药理研究要求ICH安全药理研究要求安全药理研究趋势展望 安全药理学:研究药物治疗范围内或治疗范围以上的剂量时,潜在不期望出现的对生理功能的不良影响 次要药效学:主要研究药物非期望的、与治疗目的不相关的效应和作用机制概 念CFDA要求 核心组合试验(Core Battery)中枢神经系统、心血管系统和呼吸系统研究 追加的安全药理学研究(Follow-up)对中枢神经系统、心血管系统和呼吸系统进行深入的研究 补充的安全药理学研究(Supplemental)研究药物对三大系统以外器官(如泌尿系统、自主神经系统、胃肠道系统和其它器官组织)功能的影响概 念CFDA要求 确定药物可能存在

2、的非期望药效作用 评价药物在毒理学和/或临床研究中所观察到的药物不良反应和/或病理生理作用 研究所观察到的和/或推测的药物不良反应机制目 的CFDA要求 有助于了解新药的药理作用特点和机制 有助于发现新药理作用,一药多用,药尽其用 为毒理学研究打下基础,是各种毒性实验的必要补充目 的CFDA要求 贯穿在新药研究全过程中,可分阶段进行 在药物进入临床试验前,应完成Core Battery Studies 追加和/或补充的安全药理学研究可在申报生产前进行阶段性CFDA要求内容要求CFDA要求神经系统 运动功能、行为改变、协调功能、感觉运动反射和体温等的变化(小鼠)心血管系统 给药前后血压(包括收缩

3、压、舒张压和平均压)、心电图(包括QT间期、PR间期、ST段和QRS波等)和心率等变化(Beagle犬)呼吸系统 呼吸频率和呼吸幅度(Beagle犬)根据情况增加其它系统或指标1.动物选择 可采用不同类型动物(正常或模型,清醒或麻醉)。一般多用正常动物2.剂量途径 产生主要药效作用及以上的3个剂量,临床给药途径3.观察时间 药效学和药代动力学特性、受试动物、临床研究方案等因素选择观察时间点和观察时间CFDA要求有关问题4.系统指标中枢神经系统心血管系统呼吸系统根据情况增加其它系统或指标5.体外研究 应确定受试物的浓度-效应关系。无明显影响作用时,应说明浓度选择范围CFDA要求有关问题 中枢神经

4、系统:对行为、学习记忆、神经生化、视觉、听觉和电生理等的影响 心血管系统:对心输出量、心肌收缩作用、血管阻力等指标的检测 呼吸系统:对气道阻力、肺动脉压力、血气分析等指标的检测CFDA要求追加安全药理学 泌尿系统:对肾功能的影响,如对尿量、比重、渗透压、pH、电解质平衡、蛋白质、细胞和血生化(如尿素氮、肌酐、蛋白质)等指标的检测 自主神经系统:有关受体的结合、体内或体外对激动剂或拮抗剂的功能反应、对自主神经的直接刺激作用和对心血管反应、压力反射和心率等指标的检测CFDA要求补充安全药理学 胃肠系统:观察药物对胃肠系统的影响,如胃液分泌量和pH、胃肠损伤、胆汁分泌、离体回肠收缩、胃液pH等指标的

5、测定 其它研究:潜在的依赖性、骨骼肌、免疫和内分泌功能等的影响CFDA要求补充安全药理学p体内血药浓度低,或其它组织器官分布很少的局部用药(如皮肤、眼科用药)p只用于治疗晚期癌症病人的细胞毒类药物,在首次用于临床前可不做一般药理学研究,但不包括具有新作用机制的此类药物CFDA要求免做安全药理学内 容CFDA安全药理研究要求ICH安全药理研究要求安全药理研究趋势展望“Safety pharmacology includes the assessment of effects on vital functions,such as cardiovascular,central nervous sys

6、tem and respiratory systems,and these should be evaluated prior to human exposure.”ICH M3:Nonclinical safety studies for the conduct of human clinical trials for pharmaceuticals.(July 1997)Value of safety pharmacology acknowledged by regulators and sponsorsICH要求ICH Guideline M3,1997“Safety pharmacol

7、ogy studies.investigate the potential for undesirable pharmacological activity in appropriate animal models and,where necessary,to incorporate particular monitoring for these activities in the toxicity studies and/or clinical studies.”“.these studies may allow for a mechanistically-based explanation

8、 of specific organ toxicities,which should be considered carefully with respect to human use and indication(s).”ICH S6“Preclinical Safety Evaluation of Biotechnology-Derived Pharmaceuticals”(July 1997)Pharmacological activity in animals should be considered in toxicology and clinical studies Mechani

9、sm-based understanding of toxicities(or pharmacological activities)should be carefully considered in the risk assessmentICH要求ICH Guideline S6,1997“This guidance was developed to help protect clinical trial participants and patients receiving marketed products from potential adverse effects of pharma

10、ceuticals,while avoiding unnecessary use of animals and other resources.”ICH S7A“Safety Pharmacology Studies for Human Pharmaceuticals”(July 2001)Safety pharmacology studies have the potential to reduce use of animals and other resourcesICH要求ICH Guideline S7A,2001清醒动物-遥测系统 检测清醒状态下、自由活动动物的安全药理学指标 节省动

11、物 符合动物福利要求 适合不同给药方式 连续动态、长时间检测指标ICH要求Animal IDCompound/Dose PeriodDose Period 1Day 1Dose Period 2Day 4Dose Period 3Day 8Dose Period 4Day 11LHCMHMLCCLMHMCHL4 x 4拉丁方实验设计ICH要求Animal IDCompound/Dose PeriodDose Period 1Day 1Dose Period 2Day 4Dose Period 3Day 8Dose Period 4Day 11LHCMHMLCCLMHMCHLLHCMHMLCCL

12、MHMCHL4 x 8拉丁方实验设计ICH要求 Drug to increase gastrointestinal(GI)motility Over 5.4 million prescriptions in 1996(US)34 patients TdP,23 long QT(1993-1996)Cardiotoxicity reported when used with Ketoconazole and/or Erythromycin Case report of 8-year old girlintensive careICH要求Cisapride StoryICH要求Drug Inter

13、actions Leading to QT Drug to increase gastrointestinal(GI)motility Over 5.4 million prescriptions in 1996(US)34 patients TdP,23 long QT 1993-1996 Cardiotoxicity reported when used with Ketoconazole and/or Erythromycin Case report of 8-year old girlintensive care 4 deaths and 16 resuscitated from 19

14、93 to 1996 Drug withdrawn from US market July,2000ICH要求Cisapride Story FDA recommended removal of Terfenadine containing products from the market in 01/1997 FDA issued warning letter to Doctors about cardiac safety of Cisapride Post-marketing surveillance became more important Medwatch reporting sys

15、tem Safety pharmacology guidances were approved to look at cardiovascular,respiratory and CNS side-effects of drug candidates ICH S7A and S7B Screening for QT prolongation is now an integral part of drug development(lead optimization to clinical)ICH要求Regulatory Response“The study results can be used

16、 to elucidate the mechanism of action and,when considered with other information,estimate risk for delayed ventricular repolarization and QT interval prolongation in humans.”ICH S7B:Nonclinical Evaluation of the Potential for Delayed Ventricular Repolarization(QT Interval Prolongation)by Human Pharmaceuticals (October 2005)Mechanism of action can be a goal of studies Use data with other data to estimate risk for QT prolongation in humansICH要求ICH Guideline S7B,2005QTc(msec)MaleFemaleNormal4304504


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