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1、微观经济学 导言 为什么要学习经济学? 了解和认识世界 合理决策 理解经济政策 *经济学的创始人 亚当.思密(Adam Smith, 1723-1790)国富论(An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations,1776)。)。 *第一本流行经济学教材:阿耳弗雷德马歇尔第一本流行经济学教材:阿耳弗雷德马歇尔(1842-1924)经济学原理经济学原理(Alfred Marshall, Principles of Economics,1890)第一章 什么是经济学What is Economics 1.1 定义:经济学是研

2、究社会中个人、厂商、政府和其他组织如何进行选择(choices),以及这些选择如何决定社会资源配置的一门社会科学。 稀缺、取舍、激励、交换、信息和分配 scarcity, trade-off, incentive, exchange, market, information, distribution第一章 什么是经济学What is Economics1.2 经济学的基本原则(原理):The basic principles of Economics指导个人选择的原则:Individual Choice: The Core Of Economics1. Resources are scarc

3、e. 稀缺性原则2. The real cost of something is what you must give up to get it. 机会成本原则3. “How much?” is a decision at the margin. 边际决策原则4. People usually exploit opportunities to make themselvesbetter off. 最大化行为假设5. People respond to incentive 激励机制原则第一章 什么是经济学What is Economics协调个人选择行为(集体选择)的原则:The interac

4、tion and coordination of individual choices1. There are gains from trade. 贸易(平等交易)原则(市场分工与专业化)2. Markets move toward equilibrium. 均衡原则3. Resources should be used as efficiently as possible achievesocietys goals. 效率原则(Pareto efficiency 帕累托最优)4. Markets usually lead to efficiency. 市场效率原则5. When market

5、s dont achieve efficiency, government intervention can improve societys welfare. 市场失灵与政府干预:外部性、市场力量、公共产品第一章 什么是经济学What is EconomicsThe Power of IdeasAs readers may have gathered, I believe not only that were living in a new era of depression economics, but also that John Maynard Keynesthe economist

6、who made sense of the Great Depressionis now more relevant than ever. Keynes concluded his masterwork, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, with a famous disquisition on the importance of economic ideas: Soon or late, it is ideas, not vested interests, which are dangerous for good o

7、r evil.We can argue about whether thats always true, but in times like these, it definitely is. The quintessential economic sentence is supposed to be There is no free lunch; it says that there are limited resources, that to have more of one thing you must accept less of another, that there is no ga

8、in without pain. Depression economics, however, is the study of situations where there is a free lunch, if we can only figure out how to get our hands on it, because there are unemployed resources that could be put to work. The true scarcity in Keyness worldand ourswas therefore not of resources, or

9、 even of virtue, but of understanding.We will not achieve the understanding we need, however, unless we are willing to think clearly about our problems and to follow those thoughts wherever they lead. Some people say that our economic problems are structural, with no quick cure available; but I beli

10、eve that the only important structural obstacles to world prosperity are the obsolete doctrines that clutter the minds of men.November 20, 2008第一章 什么是经济学What is Economics Maynard Keynes: The ideas of economists and philosophers, both when they are right or when they are wrong, are more powerful than

11、 is commonly understood. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.第一章 什么是经济学Wh

12、at is Economics 1.3 三种主要市场厂商出售商品雇佣劳动资本品投资产品市场劳动市场资本市场家庭购买商品出售劳动借钱、投资第一章 什么是经济学What is Economics Input, output: Product market, labor market , capital market Consumer, worker, investor第一章 什么是经济学What is Economics 1.4 微观经济学与宏观经济学 经济学的两大分支 Microeconomics and Macroeconomics 微观经济学研究个体单位(个人、家庭和厂商)的行为,即研究厂商

13、和家庭(个人)决策及特定产业的价格和产量的决定问题。第一章 什么是经济学What is Economics 宏观经济学研究经济总体运行行为 二者的关系:总体经济行为是个体经济行为及其相互作用的结果。但总体不是个体的简单加总。第一章 什么是经济学What is Economics 1.5 经济学是一门社会科学(social science): 经济学的研究方法:模型 Economic Modeling 理论形成与数据检验:假设 结论 发现和解释变量之间的关系:相关性与因果关系 Theory, model, variable, correlation, causation第一章 什么是经济学Wha

14、t is Economics 1.6.1 production possibility frontier: 生产可能性边界:经济效率、机会成本、经济增长ABCD水果鱼3025204030205035第一章 什么是经济学What is Economics 1.6.2 Comparative Advantage and Gains from Trade 比较优势与贸易所得3040201092886第一章 什么是经济学What is Economics 机会成本 A B One fish C 2 C One coconut 4/3 F F第一章 什么是经济学What is Economics How

15、 the Castaways Gain from Trade Without trade with trade gains from trade Production Consumption A F 28 28 40 30 2 A C 9 9 0 10 1 B F 6 6 0 10 4 B C 8 8 20 10 2第一章 什么是经济学What is Economics 国民收入流程图:The Circular-Flow DiagramHouseholdsFirmsFactor marketsMarkets for goods and servicesMoneyFactorsGoods and

16、 services第一章 什么是经济学What is Economics 1.7 实证经济学与规范经济学 Positive economics and Normative economics 对经济运行的客观描述(是什么) 对不同政策进行评价、衡量各种成本和收益(应该是什么):价值判断 What is and what ought to be第一章 什么是经济学What is Economics In the following statements, which one is positive statement? Which one is normative statement?1.The price of milk has risen from $3 a gallon to $5 a gallon in the past five years. 2.The price of milk should be $6 a gallon to give dairy farmers a higher living standard and to save the family farm. 第


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