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1、The structure of this courseChapter 1 Basic concepts of English Language EducologyChapter 2 Survey of the History of English TeachingChapter 3 English syllabus Evaluation and DesignChapter 4 Teaching of Different Language SkillsChapter 5 Learners Variables in English TeachingChapter 6 Cultural Aware

2、ness and English Language TeachingChapter 7 Classroom PracticeChapter 8 English TestingChapter 9 Teacher Training in English Language TeachingDiscussion o Did you ever be a teacher or have any teaching experience? How do you teach?o How do you think of this course? Is it necessary for you? o How do

3、you think of this phenomenon: in middle schools, a lot of English teachers dont know any theories of English education, yet they still teach well.o what do you think you can learn from this course?The importance of English subject educologyo To enable us to systematically master the general laws of

4、English education;o To enable us to solve the problems which are difficulties for English education at special levels;o To explore and promote the theory of English curriculum and teaching;o To enable us to identify the difficult nature of English subject education.Tell me and I forget. Teach me and

5、 I remember.Involve me and I learn.Chapter one Basic Concepts of English Language EducologyoIntroduction to English language educology;oThe study of education and its relation to language educology;oLanguage acquisition/learning theories;oA brief survey of English teaching models.Introduction to Eng

6、lish language educologyoThe definition of “educology” and “subject educology”oResearch objects cognitive competence the development of the personal and socialCognition: the various mental processes used in thinking, remembering, perceiving, recognizing, classifying, etc.general educationProfessional

7、 competenceSpecific objectsoConcepts:oFL / SL/TEFL/TESLoForeign language: o a language which is not the native language of large numbers of people in a particular country or region, is not used as a medium of instruction in schools and is not widely used as a medium of communication in government, m

8、edia, it is typically taught as school subjects for the purpose of communicating with foreigners or for reading printed materials in the language.oSecond language: a language that plays a major role in a particular country or region though it may not be the first language of many people who use it.

9、TEFL: teaching Engnlish as a foreign language, used to describe the teaching of English in situations where it is a foreign language. Curriculum: oAn overall plan for a course or oThe total programme of formal studies offered by a schoolor institutioin, as in the secondary school curriculumobjects:T

10、o develop integrated personality, to establish a curriculum system balancing consistency and difference, to realize the integration of the knowledge system and to carry out multi-cultural education. oEnglish subject learning: learning is an important means of fitting into the society, seeking self-a

11、ctualization and striving for self-perfection, is to develop integrated persons.oEnglish subject teaching: To realized students overall development; to lay emphasis on individualized learning; to help students. Learn knowledge positively, actively and independently, and to form a knowledge structure

12、 with their own individualized characters.Assessment/Testingo Assessment: oa systematic approach to collecting information and to making inferences about the ability of a student or the quality or success of a teaching course on the basis of various sources of evidence. It may be done by test, inter

13、view, questionnaire, observation, etc.o Testing: oone of the various means of assessment, a way to collect information through formal and standardized form.oMeans-ends model: an approach to curriculum development ot to teaching in which a distinction is made between ends and mens and which generally

14、 employs a cycle of planning activities involvingbehaviorismoA theory of psychology which states that human and animal behavior can and should be studied only in terms of physical process, without reference to mind. It led to theories of learning which explained how an external event (a stimulus) ca

15、used a change in the behavior of an individual (a response), oBehavioristic view of language acquisition: language development is the process of habit formation, and the result of a set of habits.Language acquisition/learning theoriesoEmpiricism: (All knowledge comes from experience and practice, ul

16、timately from our interaction with the environment through our reasoning or senses.) environmentalist theory (an organisms nurture, or experience is of more significance to development) The neo-behaviorist S-R learning theory: knowledge is the product of interaction with the environment through stimulus-response (S-R) conditioning. Nativism: language acquisition is innately determined and that we are born with a built-in device which predisposes us to acquire language and predisposes us to a sys


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