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1、电子商务专业英语(1)vArrangement : (1)learn the e-business english (this term ) (2)learn business english (next term )vAbout grade:(1)Homework+performance(30%)(2)Middle term exam (20%)(3)Final exam(50%) How to learn e-business English and the textvHow to learn e-business and the text1)Profession word(13week)

2、2)Translate the sentence (4-8week )3)Understand the text(1-15week )4)Do some homework online (sometime)5)Read the professional english literature(1015week)What you should do after class?1)Remember the new words2)Preview the text to answer my questions about the text and find the difficulties in the

3、text3)Bulild a group to finish a big homework find a English professional literature from databaseGroup homework (20 minutes)vNew word challenge(13week )vRole play- Text discussion (business plan )vRole play-e-business website introductionvRole play(12-16week) - professional literature introduction

4、Requirements(chaperter one )vBy the end of this lesson, you should be able to v define EC and know its various categories; v describe some business modles;vdiscuss the benefit of EC to orgconsumerssociety;Requirements(chaperter one )vdiscribe the limitations of EC vdiscuss the contribution of EC in

5、helping org respond to environmental pressures;v discuss some major managerial issues regarding EC Overview of electronic commerceAbstract: The chapter introduces the basis concept of EC and its classifications ; benefits and limitations of EC ;the digital revolution and the economic impact of ECNew

6、 Words(P36;1.11.5)Affiliate marketingn.关系营销Brick and mortarn.实体B2En.公司对雇员Click and mortara.虚拟兼实体C ol l a bo r a t i v e commerce n.协同商务Corporate portalsn.公司门户Customization 定制E-tailingn.电子跟踪Boffinsn.(俚)科技人员EDIn.电子数据交换Pentagonn.五角大楼(美国国防部大楼)E2Ea.交易对交易mainframesn.计算机主机Exchange n.交易平台Group purchasingn.团

7、购IOSn.跨组织信息系统hookupn.无线电通讯网Intrabusiness ECn.企业内电子商务Gridn.格网packet switchingn.封装交换Intranet n.内部网feasibilityn.可行性Location-based commerce 区域移动商务malfunctionn.故障protocoln.协议;规程Bitn.二进位制,比特Mass cusomizationn.团体定制Public portalsn.公共门户Revenue modlen.收益模式Reverse auctionn.逆向拍卖Value propositionn.价值取向Vertical m

8、arketplacen.垂直市场Virtual communities 虚拟社区Viral markting n.传销Private networksn.专用网络V a l u e - a d d e d networks n.增值网Local area networks n.局域网Vending machinen.售卖机Manufacturing n.制造业consortian.企业联盟Value chain n.价值主张,价值取向E-procurementn.电子采购Direct marketing 直销logon.图标hubn.网络中心inventoriesn.存货 receivable

9、sn.收据Interactivity n.互动feedbackn.反馈extranetn.企业外部网Networked computer n.联网的计算机Production functionn.生产函数Trasaction cost 交易成本Home appliance n.家电U-shapedn.U型Variable costsn.可变成本 return n.回报Brokerage house n.交易所Credit cardn.信用卡Smart cardn.智能卡Electronic catalogsn.电子目录Office suppliesn.办公用品maintenace 维修、保养p

10、rocessn.流程infrastructuren.基础设施intermediariesn.中介 online banking n.网上银行Promotion n.促销Sentence Explanations1.The Internet seems so information-age, that its devotees might find the circumstances of its birth hard to grasp. 因特网似乎与信息时代同出一辙,就连因因特网似乎与信息时代同出一辙,就连因特网的特网的老手老手也说不清它是产生的由来。也说不清它是产生的由来。 hard to

11、grasp是宾语circumstances of its birth 的补足语。这是一个主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语句型。Sentence Explanations2. “In such a system, ” Baran wrote, “there would be no obvious central command and control point, but all surviving points would be able to re-establish contact in the event of an attack on any one point through a red

12、undancy of connectivity. ” 巴兰写到,在这样一个系统里,“没有明显的指挥中心和控制点,当任何一个点遭受攻击时,所有幸存的点就能够通过多备份技术重新建立联系。” in the event of 如果发生。Skill TrainingWord-formation in the E-commerce Fields 1派生法:派生法:英语单词最基本的部分叫做词根。它是单词中不变化的部分。表达那个词的最基本的意义。它的前面和后面都可以接上词头和词尾,也叫做前缀和后缀。 (1)前缀通常用来引伸或转变那个词的意义。例:前 缀例 词ad- 加添;到 add 添加; adjoin 接;

13、贴; addition 加anti- 反对;抗antimagnetic抗磁的; antifreeze防冻auto- 自己;自(动)automatic 自动的; autodetector自动检波器co- 一起;共;和co-exist共存; co-operate合作; cohesion凝聚con- 共同;一起 (在l前为col-;在m,b或p前为com-;在r前为cor-)connect联结; combine 结合; correlative 有相互关系的hyper- 超越;超级hypermedia超媒体;hypertext超文本; hyperfine 超精度inter- 在。间;相互interfa

14、ce 接口;界面; internet互联网络; interconnect 互相联络micro- 微;小;百万分之一microcode 微代码; microprocessor微处理器multi- 多multimedia 多媒体; multiprocessor 多处理器; multiprogram多程序over- 超过;过分overcharge过量充电; overload 超载re- 再次;重复recover再覆盖; reset再启动(热启动); recheck再核对super- 超superclass 超类; superhighway 超级公路; supersonic超音速的tele- 远程的t

15、elegram电报; teletext图文电视;telemarketing电话购物un- 不;未 unable不能的; unequal不相等的; unstable不稳定的后 缀例 词-able 形容词词尾)能的movable可移动的; programmable可编程的; scalable 可缩放的-graph (名词词尾)表示写、画、记录结果或用具photograph照片; spectrograph分光摄像仪; monograph 专题;论文-ity (名词词尾)表示的性质、状态;性possibility可能性; availability可用性-meter (名词词尾)计量仪器micromet

16、er 千分尺; telemeter 测距仪; ammeter 安培表-scope (名词词尾)探测仪器baroscope验压器; telescope 望远镜;microscope 显微镜keyboard 键盘fanin扇入online在线hardware硬盘fanout扇出pull-down下拉software软盘login登录pull-up上拉download下载logout 撤消 lead-free无线的upload上载handshake握手jumper-free无跳线的point-and-click 点击user-centric以用户为中心的plug-and-play 即插即用end-user终端用户store-and-forward 存储转发front-user前端用户3. 缩合法:缩合法:两个或两个以上的词通过各自裁减之后拼接成一个新词,它可能是两个词的前部拼接,可能是一个词的前部和另一个词的后部拼接,也可以将一个词的前部与另一个词拼接,以及其他部分的拼接。这样产生的新词往往兼有所参与组合的各个词的涵义。在计算机领域很多新词是通过这种方法诞生的。 例:新 词参 与 组 合 的


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