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1、Adverbs1Outlinel1. 副词的构成l2. 副词的分类l3. 副词的功能l4. 副词的位置l5. 副词的排列顺序l6. 副词的比较等级l7. 易混淆副词l8. 练习题l9. Homework2副词的构成副词的构成l一、大部分副词由相应的形容词加后缀 -ly构成,但注意有变化: happyhappily subtlesubtly truetruly looseloosely democraticdemocratically publicpublicly dulldully 3副词的构成副词的构成l二、 有些副词是由介词或地点名词加后缀“-ward(s)”构成的,意为“向 ”,例如:

2、forward(s), downward(s), northward(s), leftward(s), onward(s), sunward(s), inward(s)4副词的构成副词的构成l三、某些以名词+-ly构成的词和其他结构的词,既可作副词,也可作形容词。例如: hourly, weekly, yearly, leisurely daily paper vs. publish daily quarterly review vs. meet quarterly5副词的构成副词的构成l四、有些副词是由名词加后缀“-wise”构 成的,表示位置、方向、状态、有关等意义。例如: sidewis

3、e clockwise crabwise coastwise6副词的构成副词的构成l五、 有些副词是加a-/here-/there-/where-构成。例如: away ashore afoot afar herein hereby thereafter whereon whereby7副词的分类副词的分类 (参考课本第(参考课本第405418页页)1.时间副词:now, lately, so far2.地点副词: here, there, out3.方式副词: hard, well, fast, slowly4.程度副词: very, quite, almost, badly5.频率副词:

4、usually, constantly, rarely6.疑问副词: how, where, when, why7.连接副词: however, therefore, why8.关系副词: where, when, why9.句子副词: anyway, naturally, please8副词的分类副词的分类1.Downing Street has so far refused to comment on these reports. 2.The reports she was getting were highly satisfactory. 3. Ill never forget his

5、surprise when we told him. 4.She is constantly changing her mind.时间副词时间副词程度副词程度副词连接副词连接副词频率副词频率副词9副词的分类副词的分类1.The weather was cold. Therefore(Thus), we stayed home. 2.Thats why I cried. 3.But my pride, unfortunately, was the kind that goes before a fall. 连接副词连接副词连接副词连接副词句子副词句子副词10副词的功能副词的功能l1. 作状语,修

6、饰动词、形容词、副词、介词(短语)、限定词(代词或副词)或整个句子。They completely ignored my views. He feels kind of tired. He drives extremely carefully. She failed entirely through her own fault.We need approximately five students here. Hopefully we can get this done before dark. 修饰动词修饰动词修饰形容词修饰形容词修饰副词修饰副词修饰介词修饰介词修饰句子修饰句子修饰数词修饰数

7、词11副词的功能副词的功能l2. He was up late last night. One of the tyres is down. l 作表语,说明主语的状态或特征。l3. The buildings around are of modern style. Only she could come.l作定语,常放在名词之后,代词之前。 12副词的功能副词的功能lYou can leave the goods anywhere but here. (介词宾语)lIt was a quiet night, with the moon high up in the sky. (宾语补足语)lI

8、 went to her room only to find her out.lI didnt know her until quite recently.13副词的位置副词的位置 频率副词频率副词l1. I often see her walk in the park.lYou should constantly review your lessons. lConclusion: 频率副词置于行为动词之前,系动词、情态动词及助动词之后。14副词的位置副词的位置 程度副词程度副词lI can hardly believe what he said.lHe nearly got run over

9、 by a car.lIt is dreadfully cold that day.l程度副词置于行为动词及其它所修饰词之前,系动词、情态动词及助动词之后。lExercises and difficult points:lI quite dont understand him.lI dont quite understand him. 我完全不了解他。我完全不了解他。我不十分了解他我不十分了解他15副词的位置副词的位置 方式副词方式副词l方式副词一般放在动词后,但要注意在SVO句型中,若宾语较长,常把副词置于动词之前,以免造成歧义。例如:lThey secretly decided to le

10、ave the town.lThey decided to leave the town secretly.16副词的位置副词的位置 地点副词和时间副词地点副词和时间副词l地点和时间副词通常置于句首或句尾,几个地点状语连用时,大地方放在最后。lShe was always sitting by the statue at the center of the park in the city.17副词的排列次序副词的排列次序l1. 地点副词时间副词 方式副词时间副词 方式副词地点副词时间副词 (有时,时间副词亦可放在句首) e.g. She sang beautifully in the hal

11、l last Friday. 方式 地点 时间 18副词的排列顺序副词的排列顺序l2. 具体的笼统的l 小的大的I saw the program at ten oclock yesterday evening. 确切时间 具体时间They ate in a Chinese restaurant in London. 小地点 大地点 但:We heard it last night, at about 11 oclock. (补充)19副词的排列次序副词的排列次序练习题练习题1lA: _ .lB: So did I.l A. I saw her last Sunday at the party

12、l B. I saw her at the party last Sundayl C. At the party I saw her last Sundayl D. At the party last Sunday I saw herB20副词的排列顺序副词的排列顺序 练习题练习题2lAfter the funeral, the residents of the apartment building _.lA: sent faithfully flowers each week to the cemetery.lB: sent to the cemetery each week flowers

13、 faithfully.lC: sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week.lD: sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers.C21副词的比较等级构成副词的比较等级构成l单音节和个别双音节副词通过加后-er ,-est 构成比较级和最高级。high higher highestfast faster fastestl绝大多数副词借助more ,most 构成比较级和最高级clearly more clearly most clearlyeasily more easily most

14、 easilyslowly more slowly most slowly 22副词的比较等级构成副词的比较等级构成l少数副词的比较等级的变化是不规则的lfar (远)lfarther 较远 farthest(最远的)further (进一步) furthest (最远的)l late (迟) later (较迟)latest 最近(时间) latter (后者)last 最近(顺序)23副词的原级句型副词的原级句型lA+动词(实义动词)+as+副词的原级+as B.lShe loves the school as much as her own home.I cant speak so (a

15、s )fast as you.l注意:asas结构后要直接跟表示时间、距离等的名词 ,不可加入介词。例如:The poem was written as early as in the 15th century. 误误The poem was written as early as the 15th century. 正正24副词的比较级句型副词的比较级句型l1.A+动词(实义动词)+副词的比较级+than +B.lI got up earlier than my mother this morning.She drives more carefully than her husband.l2

16、. 在下面句子中的than可以看作关系代词,有时相当于than what。lHe meant more than was said.lThe medicine is more effective than is expected.lTranslation:l他现在拥有的房子比以前的更好。He has now a better house than (what) belonged to him before.25副词的最高级句型副词的最高级句型lA+动词(实义动词)+(the )副词的最高级+ of (in )注意:副词的最高级前面可以不加定冠词the ,所有副词最高级前面的the 都可以省略。lTom can run (the )fastest in my school.She can dance (the )best of all.好。I jumped (the )farthest in my class.2627282) alternately, alternatively alternately指两者交替或轮流; alternatively指两者或两者以上中选择其一。 The m


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