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1、1HUMAN ANATOMY2Myofibril(肌原纤维肌原纤维)+核核+横小管横小管+肌质网肌质网+膜膜Myofilaments(肌丝肌丝)A muscle fiber 肌纤维肌纤维Myosin(肌球蛋白肌球蛋白)Actin(肌动蛋白肌动蛋白)Troponin(肌钙蛋白肌钙蛋白)Tropomyosin(原肌球蛋白原肌球蛋白)Thin filaments(细肌丝细肌丝)Thick filaments(粗肌丝粗肌丝)vQuestion:What are the structure of the muscular fibers?3v1.The General Description.v2.The

2、 Reference Lines and Regions of the Abdomen.Part II SplanchnologyContent4 The general descriptionv The definitionvSplanchnology is the science that deals with the study of morphology and structures of the visceral(内脏内脏的的)organs.vSynonymvSplanchnology:内脏学内脏学vViscera:内脏内脏5Viscera includes the followin

3、g groupsViscera4 SystemsOther structuresAlimentary systemRespiratory systemUrinary systemGenital systemEndocrine systemPleura 胸膜胸膜Peritoneum 腹膜腹膜Perineum 会阴会阴6v Perineum 会阴会阴v广义会阴广义会阴:是指盆膈以下封闭骨盆下口的全部软组:是指盆膈以下封闭骨盆下口的全部软组织。包括尿生殖区和肛区。织。包括尿生殖区和肛区。耻骨联合下缘耻骨联合下缘尾骨尖尾骨尖坐骨结节坐骨结节尿生殖区尿生殖区肛肛 区区vThe male perineum

4、vThe female perineum7v狭义会阴狭义会阴:在男性系指阴囊根与肛门之间的部分。在男性系指阴囊根与肛门之间的部分。阴囊阴囊肛门肛门会阴会阴8v狭义会阴狭义会阴:在女性系指阴道前庭后端与肛门之间的部在女性系指阴道前庭后端与肛门之间的部分,又称产科会阴,分娩时注意保护。分,又称产科会阴,分娩时注意保护。胎头胎头大阴唇大阴唇胎头扩张时的会阴胎头扩张时的会阴9v The main functions of the viscera(内脏内脏)vPerforming the metabolism.vReproducing offspring.vSecreting some hormones

5、 to regualate some activities.10v The general structure of the viscera(内脏内脏)vAccording to their morphological characteristics,the visceral organs can be divided into two principal types:The tubular organ The parenchymatous organVisceral organs11Tubular organ中空性器官中空性器官Parenchymatous organ实质性器官实质性器官Tu

6、bular wall管状壁管状壁Tubular cavity管状腔管状腔Mucous layer粘膜层粘膜层Submucosa 粘膜下层粘膜下层Muscular layer肌层肌层Serosa layer外膜外膜实质:实质:小叶状的结构与功能部分小叶状的结构与功能部分间质:间质:分隔实质成小叶状分隔实质成小叶状VisceraTypes1213vThe tubular viscus(中空性器官中空性器官)1415vIn order to observe and describe the relative locations and the arrangements of the internal

7、 organs,it is necessary to mark reference lines on the surface of the thorax and to subdivide the abdomen into regions.The reference lines and regions of the abdomen16Reference lines in the thoraxReference lines in the abdomenReference lines in the backv The common used reference linesvThere are mor

8、e than 10 reference lines in the thorax and abdominal regions.Reference lines17Median linesAxillary linesSternal linesHorizontal lineMidclavicular line锁骨中线锁骨中线Scapular line肩胛线肩胛线Paravertebral line脊柱旁线脊柱旁线18vThe lateral sternal line 胸骨线胸骨线vVertical line just through the lateral border of the widest p

9、art of the sternumvThe midclavicular line 锁骨中线锁骨中线vVertical line through the midpoint of the clavicle.vThe anterior median line 前正中线前正中线vVertical line through the median of the sternumvThe parasternal line 胸骨旁线胸骨旁线vVertical line through the midway between the lateral sternal line and the midclavicul

10、ar line.19Anterior median line Sternal line Parasternal lineMidclavicular line2021vThe anterior axillary line 腋前线腋前线vVertical line through the anterior axillary fold(襞、褶襞、褶).vThe posterior axillary line 腋后线腋后线vVertical line through the posterior axillary fold(襞、褶襞、褶).vThe midaxillary line 腋中线腋中线vVer

11、tical line through the middle of the axilla(腋腋).22Anterior axillary line 腋前线腋前线Middle axillary line腋中线腋中线Posterior axillary line 腋后线腋后线2324vThe scapular line 肩胛线肩胛线vVertical line through the inferior angle of the scapula.vThe posterior midian line 后正中线后正中线vVertical line through the spines(脊柱脊柱)of th

12、e thoracic vertebrae.vThe scapular:skpjul a.肩的肩的,肩胛骨的肩胛骨的25 Posterior median line后正中线后正中线 Scapular line 肩胛线肩胛线2627v The regions of the abdomen Quadrant regions 四分法四分法 Nine regions 九分法九分法vThere are two ways to divide the abdomen into regions.Two ways2829Quadrant regions 四分法四分法vThe abdomen is divided

13、into four quadrants by the vertical and horizontal planes through the umbilicus(脐脐).30Umbilical region 脐区脐区Lateral region 腹外侧区腹外侧区Pubic region 耻区耻区Epigastric region 上腹部区上腹部区Hypochondriac region 季肋区季肋区Inguinal(iliac)region 腹股沟区腹股沟区Nine regions 九分法九分法The abdomen is divided into nine different regions

14、by horizontal planes and vertical planes.Horizontal planes include the subcostal plane and transtubercular plane.通过两条水平线和垂直线形成的面将腹部分为通过两条水平线和垂直线形成的面将腹部分为9个区。个区。上水平线通过两侧肋弓最低点,下水平线通过两侧髂结上水平线通过两侧肋弓最低点,下水平线通过两侧髂结节;两条垂直线分别通过锁骨中线和腹股沟中线。节;两条垂直线分别通过锁骨中线和腹股沟中线。313233The tubular organ The parenchymatous organ

15、Visceral organs 复习复习 提问提问 总结总结vQuestion 1:How many visceral types?34Quadrant regions 四分法四分法 Nine regions 九分法九分法Two wyasvQuestion 2:How many ways to divide the abdomen?35Exercisev Term explanationvMedian line,axillary line,lateral sternal line,mid-clavicular line.v Briefly stating the ways to divide the abdominal regions.


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