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1、Information环球雅思环球雅思旅游与酒店口语课程教材旅游与酒店口语课程教材实用酒店英语(第二版)实用酒店英语(第二版)http:/Information 问讯服务问讯服务How to receive a visitor with an appointment with guests. 如何提供会客服务如何提供会客服务How to give directions to the guest. 如何给客人提供外出指导如何给客人提供外出指导How to take a message for the guest. 如何代客人留言如何代客人留言Aims of Studyinghttp:/Conte

2、ntDialoguesUseful DrillsTipsExercises http:/DialoguesBackground InformationInformation(问讯处)位于宾馆大堂,为宾客提供咨询 留言等服务1. Front Office(前厅部前厅部)指设在饭店前厅销售饭店产品 组织接待工作 调度业务经营和为客人住店提供一系列综合性服务的部门前厅部的主要任务有两个:一是经营,二是管理2. Front Desk(前台或总服务台前台或总服务台)饭店设置在大堂为客人提供登记 问讯 结账等服务的区域前台隶属于前厅部前台是饭店对客服务的窗口基本常识 http:/DialoguesDial

3、ogue 1S: Good morning. Can I ask you something?J: Yes, of course. What can I do for you?S: Well. Im planning to take a friend of mine to dinner. You see, we both love spicy Chinese dishes. Im wondering if you could recommend to me a good local restaurant where I can find some good spicy local dishes

4、.J: Id love to. If spicy local dishes are what you are looking for, there is no other place in the whole city thatll please your appetite better than the Sichuan Restaurant. The restaurant serves very good and spicy local dishes. You might want to try there.Giving Information 提供信息提供信息J=Jane (Concier

5、ge) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest)Translationhttp:/DialoguesDialogue 1S: How far is it from here?J: It is quite a distance from here. I would suggest that you take a taxi there.S: Thank you. But do you mind writing down the name of the restaurant on this piece of paper so that I can show it to the taxi dri

6、ver?J: Yes. Here you are.S: One more thing, do you have any idea how much we should pay the taxi driver for the trip?J: RMB25 to RMB30 would be plenty to cover it.S: Thank you for the information. Have a nice dayJ: Thanks. You too.Translationhttp:/返回DialoguesJ=Jane (Receptionist) S=Stephen Nobel (Gu

7、est)S: 早上好 我可以问你一些事情吗?J: 当然可以 哪里可以帮到您呢?S: 我打算和我的朋友一起出去吃饭 我们都喜欢吃中国的辣菜 我在想您能否给我推荐 一家你们当地辣菜做得好的餐厅J: 我会的 如果你们要吃辣菜的话,在这座城市里没有比四川菜馆做得更能迎合您的胃 口的了 这家餐厅的服务很好,辣菜也做得相当不错 您也许想到那里去试一下的S: 那家餐厅离这里有多远呢?J: 离这里有一段距离 我建议您们打的士去S: 谢谢 您能否把这家餐厅的名字写在这张纸上,以便我可以给司机看J: 好的 给您S: 还有一件事,您是否知道到那家餐厅需要付多少的车费呢?J: 人民币25元到30元就足够了S: 谢谢你

8、提供的信息 祝您开心J: 谢谢 您也一样提供信息提供信息http:/DialoguesDialogue 2S: Excuse me, but Id like to see Mr. Smith. Is he in the room?J: May I have your name, please?S: Of course. My name is Stephen Nobel.J: Just a moment, please. Dialing Mr. Smiths room number, This is the Reception Desk, Mr. Smith. Mr. Nobel is aski

9、ng to see you. He is in the lobby downstairs.M: On the phone, Yes. Please ask him to wait for me in the lounge. Im coming soon.J: To Mr. Nobel, Mr. Nobel, Mr. Smith said hed like to see you in the lounge in a moment.S: Thank you for your help.J: Youre welcome. The lobby attendant will show you to th

10、e lounge.Receiving a Guest 会客服务会客服务J=Jane (Concierge) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) M=Mike Smith (Guest)Translationhttp:/返回DialoguesJ=Jane (Receptionist) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest)S: 打扰一下,我想拜访一下史密斯先生,请问他现在在房间里吗?J: 先生,我可以知道您的名字吗?S: 当然可以 我的名字是斯蒂芬诺贝尔J: 请等一会 (拨打史密斯先生房间的号码)史密斯先生,这是酒店的接待处 有一位诺 贝尔先生要求拜访您 他现在在楼下的大堂里

11、M: (电话里)好的 请让他在休息室里等待我 我很快就来J: (对着诺贝尔先生)诺贝尔先生,史密斯先生说他过一会会在休息室会见您S: 谢谢你的帮忙J: 不用客气 大堂的服务员会带您到休息室的会客服务会客服务 http:/DialoguesDialogue 3S: Excuse me.J: Yes. What can I do for you?S: Im here to see Dr. Smith from America.J: Do you know when he arrived, sir?S: The day before yesterday. I believe.J: Just a mo

12、ment, please. Let me see. Er. Whats his full name?S: Mike Smith from San Francisco.Taking a Message 留言服务留言服务J=Jane (Concierge) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest)Translationhttp:/DialoguesDialogue 3J: Oh, here it is. Dr. Mike Smith. May I call to tell him you are here to see him?S: Yes, please. .J: Im sorry, si

13、r. Nobody answers the phone. He must have been out.S: Can I leave him a message?J: Certainly, sir.S: Could you please tell him that Stephen Nobel invites him to dinner tomorrow evening at Tiantian Hotel and will meet him at 6:30 at the gate?J: OK, Mr. Nobel. Ill tell him as soon as I contact him.Tra

14、nslationhttp:/返回DialoguesJ=Jane (Receptionist) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest)S: 对不起,打扰一下J: 我能为您做些什么呢?S: 我是来拜访从美国来的史密斯博士的J: 您知道他是什么时候到的吗?S: 前天 我确定J: 请稍等,让我查一下 他的全名是什么?S: 迈克史密斯,来自旧金山市的J: 找到了,要不要我打电话通知他您来了呢?S: 好吧J: 对不起,先生,没人接电话 他肯定是出去了S: 你能给他捎个信吗?J: 当然可以S: 你告诉他斯蒂芬诺贝尔明天晚上请他到天天酒店吃晚饭 630在门口见J: 好的,诺贝尔先生 我一联系上他马上告

15、诉他留言服务留言服务 http:/DialoguesNew Words and ExpressionsSan Francisco (美国城市)旧金山NotesNotes旅馆服务台职员concierge n.辣的,辛辣的spicy a.足够be plenty to休息室lounge n.打算plan to胃口appetite n.大堂lobby n.服务员attendant n.http:/Useful Drills(注注:表示此话为客户所说表示此话为客户所说)I 电话用语电话用语天天大酒店,前厅 您找谁?Tiantian Hotel, Front Desk. Can I help you?对不

16、起,我拨错号了 Sorry, Ive dialed the wrong number. 能和你们总经理说话吗? May I speak to your General Manager?我就是Speaking.对不起,他现在不在Sorry. He is not in at the moment.您要留口信吗?Would you like to leave a message?对不起,请再说一遍好吗?Pardon?对不起,请再说一遍好吗? I beg your pardon.http:/Useful DrillsII 答谢和应答语答谢和应答语(谢谢您,非常感谢) Thank you (very much).感谢您的忠告(信息 帮助) Thank you for your advice(information, help).谢谢,您真客气 Its very kind of you. 不用谢You are welcome.不用谢Not at all.不用谢Dont mention it.很高兴为您服务Its my pleasure./With pleasure./My pleasure.乐意为


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